Chapter 1

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3rd person POV

We see three figures walking in an old looking dungeon though it dose look well kept, the one in the middle is non other is Lord Death himself. The one on the right is one of his death scythes Spirit Albarn and the one on the left is Sid one of the teachers in death mister academy and right now there in a heated discussion. Spirit said "lord Death are you shure this is wise, I mean given her talents the others might be afraid of her" Sid then added "I agree with soul on this one sir, I mean there are only three people she interacted with and that's her weapons and your son sir" Lord Death simply nodded and said "that is true but she needs to interact with people her own age besides them and besides I think a storm is coming so it's best if we train her" they didn't couldn't reply to him until they reach a huge steel door with several locks and Sigiles protecting what ever is inside from both magic and non magic threats. Lord Death took out a key and a skull shape lock appeared and once lord Death turned the key all the locks started turning on there own and once it did classical music was heard playing and the sound of foot steps was also heard. Behind the door a fly like monster was behind it and a woman with long purple hair and is wearing a green and white school uniform with a long skirt and a slit beside the skirt. She has a sharp glare placed on her face and the fly said "welcome Lord Death, what is your business?" Lord Death did his usual silly greeting and said "is (Y/N) here?" The girl then said "she is and she's busy in the forge right now" Lord Death then said "lead the way then" she nodded and she turned to the fly and said "your reliefed now" it nodded and she started leading them to the forge.
Spirit then asked Sid "I've heard of her but who is she?" Sid replied "that's Seako, she's one of her weapons and tools" Spirit was confused by it. Lord Death then said "you probably have read the Unredacted Version but (Y/N) is a Forge master that can make monster from dead body's and along with being a mister her weapons act as her forging tools" Spirit curiosity was both shocked and interested and they then hear the sound of a hammer mixed with the classical music and once they reached the source they see a teenage girl in a long cloak with a dead body engulfed in blue flames and is hitting it with a hammer. Besides her is a cage with a cube inside it, after one more hit the dead body started to change into a bat like monster, once the flames died down the hammering stopped and the monster rose and looked at the girl and she said " join the rest" the monster nodded then the cube said " we got company " the girl turned around to see Lord death. Lord Death then said "Hey oh (Y/N)!, how are you?" She replied "I'm doing fine lord death, why are you here?" He replied " I want to ask you a question" she didn't say anything then Lord Death asked "I want you to go to school" she replied "that's not a question " the cube then said "an idiot as ever!, Hahahaha!" She then went to grab the cage the cube is in and started to shake it hard. She then said "apologizes Lord Death" he replied "it's fine, Add has always bing rude so it's nothing new" she then looked at the two men accompanied Lord Death and said to her hammer "Rose can you please bring us some tea and snacks, this might be a long talk" the hammer then glowed and started to morph into a woman in a maid outfit, she has a long maid dress with armor on it, she did a courtesy and said "as you wish my lady" Rose then looked at the two men and she had a disgusted look at them, mainly Spirit, and went to the kitchen.
(Y/N) then led them to a dining room area and once they sat down Spirit then said "so your (Y/N) I'm Spirit Lord Deaths Death scythe" Sid then said "and I'm Sid, I'm a teach at the academy" she replied coldly "hello" this took them back a little. Rose came back with tea and snacks and one sliver tray with a dome on it, she then poured everyone some tea and once she got to (Y/N) she put the tray in front of her and she said "it's already close to lunch so I figured you wouldn't mind it a little early" she nodded and she pulled the dome up reveling a soul, a human soul. The two men where really taken back by this but before they said anything Seako said "if your rude to her you'll die" the two looked at her and felt blood lust coming from her and got a Chill down there spines. Lord Death then said " as I was saying I want you to join the mister academy as a student" (Y/N) then cut a piece of the soul with a knife and fork and took a bite from it then she replied "why should I?, I'm perfectly fine the way I am" Lord Death then took a sip and said "what if I promise you a soul of a witch" she stopped eating and froze in place for a few minutes Then she said "how long will I be attending?" He replied "the normal amount of time, thow you'll be starting in the NOT class, and will be staying in a dormitory" Rose then said "no offense Lord Death but my lady haven't left our home since you took her in and given her Heritage would you actually think she will be safe?" Sid then said "I had the same thought, but as a teacher I have to agree with Lord Death" (Y/N) thought about this for a few minutes then she said "ok, I will" Lord Death did a happy jig and said "yippee!, then starting tomorrow you'll be a Mistre" she nodded and after a few more hours of talking to Lord Death and his group left the chamber to leave the girls to pack. The next day they left there home and in the first time in years left there home and into the city, but one of them is haveing a hard time.

soul forging (Soul Eater / NOT harem x Forgemaster/Gray futa reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang