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*3 months later*

It was the end of the summer, on of the worst summers of my life.

Me and Draco were in our room, i was sat on the bed and Draco's head was on my lap.

I was gently stroking his hair, when his father called us downstairs.

"I can't wait till all of this finishes." i said getting up and fixing my hair.

"everything we'll be over soon, love" he said hugging me from the back.

"I don't understand why i have to be a part of these stupid meetings, when I'm not a death eater" i said sighing.

"We should go now" he said taking my hand.

As usual we sat down, Draco and Theo next to me, there was our teacher floating, near death, i stayed in front of the door for a few seconds shocked.

What di she do to them?

When the meeting, i noticed Snape wasn't there. Strange.

After about 10 minutes he arrived.

"Severus i was beginning to worry you lost your way" Voldemort said.

Draco looked like he was stung by thousands of bees, i don't understand why he fears him so much.

They talked about when to catch Harry, and fucking Snape told them the exact time and place where they'll take Harry.
I didn't understand why he was doing this, to  someone he spent years taking care of.

This was one of the most traumatizing meeting we have ever had, they killed our teacher and let nagini eat her, what the fuck is wrong with that noseless bald man.

Once the meeting was done everyone left me, Theo and Draco went in our room.

"Shit" i said plopping on the bed.

"What if they catch him, he'll fucking die" i said anxiously.

"I don't think potter will die that easily" Theo said.

"I hope you're right."

*4 months later*

It's been so long, i miss my old life, my friends, family and mostly Cedric i wonder what he's doing.

Me an draco have been talking a lot about our future together, he said he wanted 2 kids a boy and a girl.
i was genuinely surprised that he wanted to stay with me even after all this.

Me and Theo got really close too since all three of us live together.

I haven't seen my brother or pansy in days, since non of them was a death eater they weren't aloud in the meetings.

It was an ordinary day, some death eaters bringing in some random people thinking it was Harry.

"I'll be back love they're calling me" he said kissing me and leaving.

A few minutes later Theo came in "hey" he said coming and laying on my bed.

"Where were i haven't seen you in days" i said sitting next to him.

"A stupid task that took longer than expected" he said closing his eyes.

"It's almost an entire year since we became friends" i said, smiling trying to  make him feel better.

"Yeah, the day i tried flirting with you but got  rejected" he said laughing.

"If you asked me out 2 years ago i would've said yes" i said fixing my hair.

"Oh cause you had a crush on me?" He asked curiously,

"Yeah, i don't know if you remember but 2 years ago our families started to hang out more, so seeing you almost everyday made me fall for you" i said shaking my head.

"But not anymore, after the day you kissed me i realized i didn't like you that way" i added before he could say anything.

"Oh damn I'll be single forever at this point" he said sarcastically.

"You'll find someone that loves you no matter what" i said smiling at him.

"I hope so" he said, right after we heard yelling and some familiar voices.

'no it can't be them' i thought, me and Theo started running downstairs to see what was happening.

Bellatrix was holding Hermione pointing her wand at her.

"What the fuck is happening here" i said, looking over to draco in disbelief.

Even if i was considered a part of them, i would never let my friends die, they don't deserve it.

"Let her go Bella" i said pointing my wand at her.

"Oh no, is the traitor mad" she said laughing at me.

"You know your stupid father knew that you would never be a part of us, so he made you marry Draco, hoping that your love for him would make you come to right side" she said laughing like maniac.

"I will never be on your side bella, now let her go" i said getting closer to her.

I knew she wasn't going to let her go so i did the only reasonable thing.

"CRUCIO" I  yelled, making bella fall and setting Hermione free.

"GO NOW" I yelled at the trio, who vanished right after.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH , YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME" she yelled at me with her annoying voice.

"that's what I wanted too" i said staring at her in disgust.

Draco was trying to pull me away, but this time i wasn't leaving just like that, if i was going to die I'll die knowing that i saved their lives.

"Sectumsempra" Bellatrix yelled before vanishing.

I put my hand on my chest and noticed it was covered in blood. I was going to die.

Theo who was closer to me catched before i could fall.

"No shit y/n, why did you do this" draco yelled at me, crying.

"It's ok Draco I'll be fine" i said smiling slightly.

"No y/n you won't be fine" Theo said holding my hand.

"Take care of yourself ok, I'll be always with you" i said putting my hand on Theo's cheek and then on his chest.

"No you'll be fine y/n we'll take care of you" draco said patting my head sobbing. "Yeah don't worry y/n" Theo said, crying.

"Let me go, I'm happy" i said closing my eyes and smiling.

"No y/n you promised we were getting married and having kids, we were going to grow old together, YOU FUCKING PROMISED" He said putting his head on my chest, i put my hand on his head.

The last thing i heard was them asking for help, crying.

And then all went black. I was dead.i died in there arms.

That's why their love is called impossible, because they never had the opportunity to live a happy life.

Theo married Daphne greengrass and they had 1 Kid together Silas Nott.

Instead Draco moved on and married Astoria greengrass, they had two kids together.

Scorpius Malfoy and Y/n Malfoy.

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