chapter 11

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*time skip*

Tomorrow was the day, i was super anxious.

I didn't know what to do, my head was full of questions.

But my thoughts were interrupted by my mother calling me

"Y/n in a few minutes the Malfoy, and the Parkinson family is coming over because we need to talk" my mother said.

"It'll be alright, honey" she said giving me a hug.

"What if he chooses me" i asked when i single tear drop fell.

"He won't" my mother said with her voice cracking.

"He will mother, father would never risk to give away Blaise and you know that too" i said angrily pulling away from the hug.

"I'll help you no matter what, my darling" her words calmed me.

"You should be getting ready they will be here soon" she said leaving my room.

It's been so many days i haven't slept so i tried to hide my eyebags with a lot of makeup.

I wore a simple black dress a black boots and my hair with some clips.

Just how Draco liked it.

When they came in i greeted everyone with a smile.

And then i hugged Draco and pansy they both warmly returned.

We all sat down in the living room.

" I see you and Draco got really close" Narcissa said.

"Yeah" i said smiling lazily.

"Draco also talked us a lot about you in these days and that he bought you a dress" Lucius said.

" Yeah i was going to wear it tomorrow" i said to Lucius smiling.

"Draco, Blaise, y/n, pansy go upstairs we need to talk privately about something important" my mother said getting up.

Pansy went with Blaise in his room so Draco came with me in mine.

I plopped myself on my bed and Draco layed next to me.

"I like your hair today" he said turning around facing me.

"I know i did it just the way you like it" i said blushing.

"I would be ten thousand times more excited for tomorrow if it wasn't for that thing" i said laughing and sitting down.

"I would be too and i will stay with you the whole time" he said getting up and putting his hand on top of mine.

I just hugged him, i needed that because it made me feel so much better.

When we pulled away from our hug our faces were really close and without hesitation he kissed me and i obviously kissed him back.

"Thank you, draco" i said pulling away from the kiss.

"Anything for you" he said.

I kissed him again, at this point i was sitting on his lap with my arms holding his neck.

And his hands on my ass.

He was kissing my neck, my head fell back from pleasure.

"I've been waiting this moment for so long" he said while going lower.

He laid me on the bed aggressively, and he laid on top of me between my legs.

We were kissing aggressively like it was something we were waiting for years.

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