chapter 25

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*3 month later*

It's been 3 months, school was about to end.

Draco and Theo still hadn't done their task, and they didn't even tell me what they were planning.

Oh and Cedric felt way better Cho and Ced became friends, and that definitely made him feel better.

Me and the trio didn't talk as much as we used too, mostly because of me and Draco also because Harry thanks he's a death eater. And he was right.

I was sitting with Cedric and Cho, we were just having breakfast when i noticed Draco signaling me to go outside.

"Sorry guys I'll be back in a minute" i said getting up leaving the great hall.

"What happened?" I asked coming next to him.

"Can we talk?" He said taking my hand.

"Sure, tell me" i said walking with him.

"I'm tired i just need you to stay with me" he said taking me in a corner and hugging me.

"What happened Draco?" I asked breaking the hug and looking at him.

"I just don't know how to deal with the task and the mark hurts a lot" he said taking a big sigh.

"Once the task is completed you'll be free, just a few days" i said smiling and stroking his beautiful soft hair.

"I need you with me when I do it" he said laughing.

"I would if I could" i said hugging him.

"In a few months we'll be married" i said excitedly.

"I have something for you" he said pulling out something.

It was a necklace with one of his rings.

"I know you really like this ring, you always play with it when we hold hands, so why not give it to you" he said smiling.

"I love it Draco" i said looking at the ring.

"Since i knew it wouldn't fit you i put it in a necklace" he said while putting it on for me.

"I love you so much Draco" i said kissing him.

" I need to go but I'll see you tonight ok" he said leaving.

I noticed he's been very absent in these days same with Theo, i hope nothing happens to them.

I walked back in the great hall like nothing happened.

I sat down next to Cedric happily.

"Who gave you that necklace?" He asked me curiously.

"Draco" i whispered excitedly.

He smiled happily, he was happy for me, at least i have someone like him in my life.

"We'll go y/n we have DADA the first period and you know Snape hates when we're late" he said messing up my hair.

Since i was sitting alone now i decided to sit next to Theo.

"Hey" i said messing up his hair.

"I'll kill you if you do that again" he said fixing his hair.

"We should go to class we'll be late" he added before i could say anything else.

As we entered the classroom i saw Hermione sitting with Ron, i missed sitting next to her like the old times.

Draco was sitting with Blaise so me and Theo sat in front of them.

"Are you ok?" Theo asked me.

"Oh yeah don't worry" i said smiling widely.

Was i really okay? I asked myself. No. I wasn't ok.

When class ended me, Theo, Blaise and Draco were leaving when Hermione stopped me.

"Hey y/n can we talk?" She asked me.

"Of course, I'll be back" i said leaving with Hermione.

"Why are you hanging out with them so much?" She asked me confused.

"Why do you care? You didn't care talking to me in these 3 months and now you come here acting all nice" I said calmly.

"They're not good people y/n you know this" she said angrily.

"I don't need your help to know who's bad and who's good, thank you for caring i guess" i said leaving her, i wasn't in the mood to talk her, why come to me after months of not talking just to say I'm doing the wrong thing.

But deep down i knew she was right, and i was the wrong one.

"I'm back" i said walking next to Theo.

"What happened?" Draco asked me curiously.

"Oh nothing important" i said smiling.

"Guys i think I'll go to my room, see you later" i said leaving in a hurry so they won't asked me any questions.

The second i entered my room i burst out crying, i want my life back the life i had before Draco and Theo, i was way happier before.
Now I'm stuck here, in this hellhole, i just want my friends back, i want to sit next to Hermione and talk about random stuff like we used to months ago.
I don't want to marry anyone i wanna go to school finish my last year and graduate with people i love. I would rather be somewhere else instead of here.
Why can't I have a normal life, is that too much to ask?.

In a few days draco and Theo will complete they're task. I want to say a proper goodbye to Cedric since i won't see him anymore, also because it's his last year here.
If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead.
I want him to know that he means so much to me.

Impossible Love.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz