Pre-Game Prepping

Start from the beginning

"No, but I will." I shrugged, leaning over the display they made. My brows furrowed when I saw Eddie's name on one of the sticky notes.

"Why's Eddie on here?" I looked at the two younger girls. El didn't speak, looking at max to answer. El isn't very talkative.

"Oh come on, don't act like you wouldn't want to see what he's doing every now and then."

"Well he's playing d&d with Mike, Lucas, and Dustin right now, so they're all gonna be pretty boring to watch." I mentioned, grabbing the bottle to spin it. It spun and eventually landed, max snatched the name up before I could even read it.

"Will." She read out, El nodded and put a blindfold over her eyes, sitting still. The three of us watched as blood begun to trickle down her nose.

"I see him." She spoke.

"What's he doing?" Max asked.

"He is... with Jonathan."

"Are they talking or something?"

El nodded, her mouth twitching.

"What is... gay?"

"Okay, my turn!" Robin interrupted the occurrence, scooting up and spinning the bottle while El took off the blindfold. I was pondering wether to ignore what just happened or not.


Some time passed, and the game actually was sort of fun. It was late, and I wasn't even sure if the d&d game was still going on, but I didn't really care. It's nice to hang out with the girls, they're all super sweet. Robin's funny as hell, too.

"Ok, my turn." Max eagerly went down to the display, spinning the bottle. Most of the original names were gone, since whenever we land on someone we swap their name out with someone new. The bottle slowed and it landed on Eddie.

"Ooooh shit, we get to spy on your boyfriend.." max called to me in a singsongy voice. I rolled my eyes, praying he wasn't doing anything embarrassing for himself.

El's nose leaked with new blood as she sat still, finally speaking again.

"I see him."

"What's he doing?"

"He is... in his van... talking."

"To who?"

"To Lucas and Dustin."

"What's he saying?"

"He is... telling Dustin that... Lucas is a... sister hopper? What is sister hopper?" She tilted her head and max and I looked at each other with wide eyes.

"That's enough!" We both plead at the same time and El takes off her blindfold. She leans in and whispers something to Max, making her gasp loudly. She covered her mouth and looked at me, then Robin.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing, he's almost here!" She hurriedly spoke. Almost as if she summoned him, we heard his van loudly pull into his spot, beckoning me to get up. I stood, saying my goodbyes.

Knock knock
I left the room, hearing El's voice inside it.

"What is propose?"

I wondered who they were looking at now, raising my brows. El isn't the smartest, sure, but she's been through a lot.

Knock knock knock

I quickly went to the door, opening it and feeling myself startle when Eddie's big arms wrapped around me and lifted me into the air. I yelped, scarily caught off guard but quickly melting into his playful embrace.

Freak (an Eddie munson x fem Y/n love story)Where stories live. Discover now