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Most things went on as usual, but what Naruto noticed was that in The past week Sasuke had gotten obsessed with video calls,

They still spent every day together, or at least tried to.. or at least Naruto did.

At first Naruto felt a little hurt, maybe even jealous,
Was this how Sasuke felt when I ignored him..

But after a few days he noticed that he was able to do his work in a quietness that he hadn't experience in a while.

Its not that he was grateful that Sasuke was out doing other things and he got some peace and quiet almost every day,
He missed his lover, dearly, but he liked doing his work in silence. Even though over time it would become incredibly boring.

Sasuke seemed to be spending more time doing something else, hanging out with his friends, walking outside more often, but every day, even a few times Naruto would get an unexpected video call.

It would almost always end up in them doing their own thing, just being on cameras, in front of each other.

Usually it would be that Naruto would continue with his work and Sasuke would watch him intently from the other side of the screen

It really wasn't anything important or serious, Sasuke simply enjoyed watching Naruto work
Or at least that's what Naruto believed this was all about

At first the man tried to address this new habit, saying that it wasn't good, and Sasuke should stop being stubborn and just come home, to him.

But all his words went trough deaf ears

So when Naruto received another phone call today he was not surprised.

The man was finishing up a report and didn't pay attention to the raven haired boy.

The phone was put in its regular place where it would be tilted in such a degree that Sasuke would be able to see Naruto perfectly.

After a few sweet but the same sentences of 'how are you doing' and 'what are you doing' Sasuke gave a small pout for not receiving an answer and went into comfortable silence watching the man

Naruto wasn't paying attention to the time, it must've been only a few minutes but he was already almost done with the work

Just a quick read to make sure he made no mistakes, and then

He heard a weird wet, sucking like noise and Sasuke's giggle that was followed by a panty moan.

For a second he believed that the boy was watching porn and he misheard something,
His eyes had shot up so quickly and started into the screen,

No.. it wasn't his imagination, and worse, it wasn't fake porn,

He could clearly see Sasuke;
Sat in someones lap, his hands around the other's neck, while two bigger arms wrapped around his waist

The others face wasn't quite visible, but by the white hair he recognized Suigetsu Hoozuki

The guy was practically completely taking over Sasuke,
The two were patiently making out, as if Naruto didn't exist at all

Though he still couldn't entirely process what was happening a part of him was starting to burn out of anger,
To see what belonged to him be taken by someone else, it was infuriating

Naruto hadn't even realized when that angry heat was slowly pooling in his lower abdomen, the usual flutter was more noticeable, as if angry too, and he soon felt his pants growing tight

The two adolescents drifted apart for a few seconds to catch their breath, only to be back at it again.

Sasukes moans slowly grew louder as the others mouth fell lower, to his neck, leaving wet, redish spot.

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