°Chapter 8°

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The day after Jack and Shawn got into an argument it was pretty quiet for everyone, Jack wanted a day to just relax and not have any trouble. He just wanted to spend the day in the kingdom relaxed with friends or doing anything, after all he wanted to do things in the kingdom before it could be too late.

"(I remember that flower spot Midori mentioned... maybe I could go there and relax.)" Jack thought. Maybe it would help him settle and think about what to do with Shawn or not care at all. The bird went outside and went to find his way to the flower field, he remembered it was past the alchemists house. "*sigh* let's hope that maybe this'll help me forget about the other day and calm down." Jack said to himself. He saw right ahead that there was a bunch of different flowers, even seeing Blue sitting down holding Hosshi.

Walking through, the sunshine shined through the clouds down onto the open field it made everything feel more relaxing. Taking in the fresh air and the scent of flowers, far off Midori was heading to the field too and she saw Jack relaxing. "I didn't expect to see you here Jack, trying to relax out here too?" Midori asked. "Yeah, after all I heard that it's calming out here and decided to take a break and think about if I should do anything with Shawn." Jack said. Midori sat down next to him and picked up a few flowers making a crown, she got done making one and put it on his head. "You are now the ruler of flowers!" Midori laughed. "I'm now the one who rules this whole field, these flowers are now my children." He said. The two played around together, having fun and enjoying time together.

"All these white roses remind me of home, they were a symbol of peace and purity to us, they're my favorite!" Jack exclaimed. He got a few he wanted to keep and put them in his scarf, some of them fell out. "Wow that's interesting to know that they had meaning to you, I like the red ones because they remind me of love!" Midori said happily. "I wish I could be a white rose, pretty and sitting with the other flowers on a beautiful day... but then I wouldn't be able to talk to you all. I think being myself is better actually, then I can be with all my wonderful friends and talk to them! I changed my mind, I don't want to be a flower anymore." Jack laughed." Blue got up from where he was with Hosshi, seeing the two reminded him about what he was making to help. "There you two are! I've been meaning to inform you about m-my work so far." Blue stammered. "Oh? How has it been going I could imagine how long it has been taking to make." Midori asked.

"W-well it's been taking awhile, we've been figuring out what we need to do... and testing all of t-them out please forgive us for taking so long!" Blue said nervously. "That's alright, taking time means it'll turn out better than ever." Jack assured. Hosshi crawled around in the flowers rolling around, it lightly pawed at Blue's hands. "Hosshi's been helping along with it, finding things that can be helpful. Hope you two take care of yourselves and stay safe." Blue said. He picked up Hosshi and some flowers as a gift for Akai and was off back home.

As he left, the two were still playing and feeling very relaxed the air was very fresh and the atmosphere was calm. "Isn't it fun being out here together? I haven't had this much fun in a long time." Midori asked. "I'm enjoying my time out here it makes it better that you're here with me." Jack said. He smiled brightly at Midori, the two were very close together as they continued to interact each day. Jack didn't know what he felt when he was around Midori but it made him happy, he liked whenever she was happy and having a good day but he wanted to know why he was feeling different around her.

As time went by the wind picked up blowing leaves and petals around, the smell of flowers was strong and the sun was slowly going down, and the sky was bright orange. "Say Jack since you mentioned trying to handle Shawn, how are you going to do so?" Midori asked. "Huh? Me trying to solve the problem with Shawn? HA! No way, he can just stay mad at me all he wants." Jack digressed. "B-but he can really help you! You should just talk to eachother and try to resolve your problem." Midori answered. Jack didn't even care what Shawn thought about him, he didn't even want his help. "No I don't think I need to talk to him about anything, please stay out of this Midori." Jack directed. "Excuse me Jack but I don't think you should be telling me what I should do, maybe you shouldn't be so selfish right now and take my advice." Midori argued. She wasn't happy with his attitude, while Midori doesn't like conflict she still can get mad at others, Jack pushed the limits with his remarks.

~"The Bird That Could Heal."~ Kaitou Joker AUWhere stories live. Discover now