•Chapter 4•

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Heading to another part of the kingdom lead to the flower field area and the woods, in the woods would be the alchemists place. The home of the two alchemists that have made many things that have helped the kingdom out and were called amazing helpers. Jack and Midori headed to them, to see if they could possibly help them out.

"We gotta keep going down here and then we'll be almost to the alchemists home!" Midori said cheerfully. "Wow all the way out here in the woods? It does seem nice out here with all the nature." Jack said. The woods were covered in beautiful flowers and life, little animals roaming around, big trees, it was probably why the two alchemists were out here.

Midori skipped down happily holding Jack's hand, she knew the two well and had talked to them for awhile. Along the path they made it to their home. "We're here! Now then are you ready to meet them?" Midori asked. "I mean yeah, I'm interested to meet them, after all I'm interested to meet everyone." Jack replied. Walking up the little steps they approached the door, they opened it up and went in.

As they walked in they saw one of them sitting at their working desk. It was the shy and timid Blue, while he may seem like a scaredy cat he's actually not that afraid of anything it's just that he's very anxious sometimes. The short, half fluffy bodied man stumbled around, he gathered stuff that he knocked over being surprised. "Ah! Oh it's just you miss Midori. And uh... who's your friend over there?" They asked. "This is the bird that could heal, the caladrius. Don't you know Blue?" Midori questioned. Blue was shocked to hear that, seeing the caladrius right there in front of him was a surprise. "Tha-thats... THE caldrius!? You're kidding me right!?" Blue questioned. "Why yes that's me! The one and only needing your help." Jack replied.

Blue almost fainted, he didn't know what to do with what he was seeing. "L-l-let me just have a mom-moment real quick, before I faint from this." Blue stuttered. Out came the other alchemist, Akai the second one that helps Blue out. "C-calm down Blue! I know you're surprised but don't make yourself faint!" Midori yelled. "Calm down calm down, take a few breaths Bluey." Akai said. The other alchemist was Akai, a very mysterious one who has an interesting past, he had fiery colored hair and had talons like Jack, some said he somewhat resembles another well known bird, important to the Avesfolk. Giving Blue some comfort made him feel calm and collected, after feeling much better he was able to listen to them. "S-sorry just that it's so amazing to see the caladrius here in Hanako." Blue said. "Well it's nice to meet you Blue and Akai. I'm glad to meet the best alchemists here." Jack said.

"So now what can we help you with?" Blue asked. "We need your help to see if you could find a way to cure Jack's life draining thingy. We're not sure how to do it ourselves." Midori said. "Now how are we going to do this is the real question here. One: we make an elixir. Two: researching things that could work. Three: we'll think about an idea that could work." Akai said. "What? Am I supposed to answer that? I thought you would know." Jack said. He was confused on what this meant, but he too didn't know how he could fix it. "W-well I mean... any of those could work you know?" Blue said. "I know but what would you guys do? Do you have any ideas?" Jack asked.

They pondered for awhile and thought about it. "M-m-maybe me and Akai can figure something out. Don't worry! We'll try to get it as fast as possible." Blue stammered. "He's right, we'll figure something out for you guys in no time." Akai added. "Well thank you both for at least thinking about it. I'm grateful for your help." Jack said. "Yeah you both keep doing your best." Midori said. The two stayed for a bit and got to know each other more.

They were told about how they met too. "Well the truth is I was saved from a fire. It's all thanks to Akai and then well now we're here. There's more to the story but I just want to keep it short." Blue said. "Wow that's nice to know you were saved, and now you both are very successful." Jack added. Suddenly Midori felt a little creature leap onto her lap, it was their pet dragon Hosshi. "Aww hey there Hosshi, nice to see you." Midori said. She petted his head and let the little one sit there. "Wait... you guys have a dragon as a pet!?" Jack questioned. "Why yes we do but don't be afraid Hosshi is harmless and loves people, I found it as an egg then me and Blue raised it until it hatched." Akai explained.

After a bit it became nighttime, Jack and Midori waved their goodbyes knowing that they were going to be okay with their help. Walking through the dark back home, Midori made sure to stay close to Jack for their safety. "Those two seem great, I can see why everyone talks to them for their help." Jack said. "That's right! Akai and Blue are the best when it comes to help, they've been together for a long time." Midori said. That surprised Jack a bit but, he was happy for them. "Since it's so late when we get back we should eat some dinner, I'm starving." Jack said. "I bet there's something good waiting for us wonder what Charlotte could've made tonight." Midori added.

While they walked along Jack thought about something, Akai reminded him of a familiar story he knew a lot about. "Say miss Midori, have you heard of the fire bird Phoenix? Or the story of the bird who scorched the grounds?" Jack asked. "Why yes I have! Why might you be asking?" Midori replied. "Well... Akai kinda reminds me of them, he looks similar but maybe that's just me missing and remembering my home. After all I was so interested by that story." Jack responded. Midori kinda felt bad for him, being hunted down and possibly killed far away from home is terrifying. But Midori will do her best to keep him safe. "Aw I'm sorry, I hope you'll enjoy it here though." Midori said. "Again thank you for your kindness, I think being here isn't so bad." Jack added.

After asking for help from Akai and Blue, the two already had some idea of help. But what was next? Well they still need to keep safe, after all they were being hunted after the Mayonaka... wonder what they're planning...

To be continued...

~"The Bird That Could Heal."~ Kaitou Joker AUWhere stories live. Discover now