•Chapter 3•

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Heading outside the castle, Midori walked Jack around trying to find someone she knew to help them out. Midori knew a lot of people around the kingdom so this would be easy for her to get help for Jack. "I think I know a place, he knows a lot of things." Midori said. "Does he? Are you sure?" Jack questioned. "I'm very sure you can trust him. I've known him for a long time and he took better care of me." Midori said. As they kept going Midori went on to tell Jack all about Arsene. "He's read many books about things here and other places, that's why he knows a lot about distant places." Midori exclaimed. "Wow he must've taken great care of you too." Jack added. Midori happily nodded with joy, she sees Arsene as a parental figure to her after all he did take care of Midori more whenever she came in.

"Do you consider... Arsene as like your own parent? Unlike your actual parents?" Jack questioned. Midori looked down a bit, it saddened her a bit that her own parents couldn't care for her that much. "...yes but I never called him that in front of my actual parents, I would've made them so mad who knows what they would've done to me and Usagi." Midori said. It was saddening for Jack to hear this, who's parents would treat their own children so poorly. He patted her back reassuring her that it'll be alright. "Well... atleast you're alright now and it's fine for you to call him that." Jack said. "Yeah I feel much better I will admit, running this kingdom on my own sounds hard but... everyone is much happier with me around." Midori added. "It's going to be okay miss Midori, I'll stay by you no matter what happens to me! I'll make sure your safe." Jack said.

She lead him to the magic library. Going inside was bunches of magic books, seats, and small reading areas. From behind the desk was the owner Arsene, the magic user who taught many. He had long purple hair and shiny pink eyes, his tail curled around as he overheard the door open. He got up to see Midori he hadn't seen her in awhile. Arsene was well known in the kingdom, he was always a great teacher in magic and many wondered where or how his cat looking tail got there. "Why Midori... it's great to see you after so long. Ah and you've brought quite the guest with you." Arsene said. "Greetings mister Arsene! Glad to see you still doing well, oh and this is Jack the caladrius!" Midori said happily. She gave Arsene a hug after all he comforted her the most and was there for her, Jack smiled he enjoyed seeing Midori happy. "Ah I see it's nice to meet such a legend here in Hanako." Arsene said. "It's nice to see you to sir! U-uhm we came here mainly because I need some help. You see I'm being hunted down by the entire Mayonaka kingdom they all want me dead, and to top that off my healing slowly drains my life away. This gem is showing that I'm still fine but... could you help me?" Jack asked. "Oh goodness, now I understand why miss Midori brought you here. Come with me we can talk about it." Arsene said.

Midori, Jack, and Arsene sat down at one of the tables, pulling the chairs out from the long desk. "Well we wanted to know if you could help us with keeping Jack safe, and finding a way to somehow fix this life draining thingy." Midori said. "Well I think I know what you need to do for this." Arsene added. Jack's wings slightly perked up, whatever Arsene was going to tell them it was going to be the key to helping them. "Really!? You do know? Oh please tell us!" Jack begged. "Well here's what you need to know. If you want to keep him safe you'll need to have the help of your friends Midori, and the two of you need to grow closer and have a stronger bond than ever before. You'll have to know more about yourselves, keep looking throughout here this place has it's mysteries." Arsene stated.

Midori and Jack sat there for a few seconds to process it, Jack leaned towards Midori. "Are you sure he knows what he's talking about? This kinda sounds like he's been reading alot of adventure stories." Jack whispered. Midori leaned closer to Jack. "I'm sure he knows okay? Arsene gives lots of helpful tips." Midori muttered. Midori leaned back up afterwards. "Uhm pardon me asking mister Arsene, but have you been reading those adventures stories again?" Midori asked. "While yes I have this is your hint. This will be the key to helping you both out." Arsene responded.

While the two were a bit confused they were interested in what it meant. "Well I guess whatever it is we're finding or discovering it's important." Midori said. "It is very important, I wish you both luck on finding it out." Arsene said. "Well... thanks for the advice sir, we'll be sure to figure it out." Jack said. "Thank you very much Arsene! Your help will not fail us." Midori exclaimed. "It's no problem now then you two stay safe." Arsene said.

As Midori headed outside Arsene needed Jack for a quick second. "Jack I have a request for you while you both find your help." Arsene said. "Oh? Well uhm... what kind of request are we talking about." Jack asked. "Well I want you to keep princess Midori safe, I've taken care of her for a long time and I'm trusting you to keep her safe. I think you both will get along well." Arsene said. "O-oh of course I could do that for you, she seems nice." Jack noted. "I was informed that not only are the Mayonaka after you... they're after her too." Arsene said. It took him a moment to realize what great danger Midori was in too. "I won't let them get lady Midori, even if I die trying to keep her safe at least... she'll be okay and that's all that matters. I'll do it for you Arsene and everyone here." Jack replied. "Thank you for understanding, I appreciate that a lot. Your help is a blessing to me" Arsene said. "N-no problem mister Arsene I'd be glad to help you out." Jack said.

He left the magic library and saw Midori waiting patiently outside for him. "There you are! So what do you think about mister Arsene?" Midori asked curiously. "You know what he seems nice, I can see why you find him as a parental figure." Jack replied. "He's the best! That's why I refer to him as such." Midori said. As the two walked away from there, they went to find the next person to ask. "So this next place we're going to is in the trees, it's two professional alchemists they could definitely help us!" Midori said. "They built their home in the trees!? I guess I can understand it in a way, its nice to have a natural feel" Jack said. "Mhm! And they've made plenty of helpful things for our kingdom!" Midori said. "Well in that case... they must be the greatest. Lets head to the alchemists!" Jack said.

The two headed off to see the alchemists of the kingdom, they're known for their helpfulness and making amazing life changing things. They're said to make many working miracles...

To be continued...

~"The Bird That Could Heal."~ Kaitou Joker AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora