Wonho carefully stretched before walking over to the duffel bag he presumed his clothes to be in. He took out a t-shirt, pulled it on, and then turned back to Hyungwon. "How long have you been awake?" he didn't get an immediate response as the man was writing something down before checking his phone.

"Five hours, maybe." Wonho furrowed his eyebrows slightly. He really didn't want to question the other's sleeping schedule as it was none of his business but it definitely wasn't on the healthier side. Chae let out a deep sigh before finally turning his head to look at him, probably due to his silence. "I don't need your concern over this. I sleep enough to keep myself alive."

"I didn't doubt that," Wonho replied simply, turning toward the desk he had been signed. It wasn't as big as Chae's but big enough for everything he needed. Blinking a few times, he sighed and started setting all his things up as best as possible. 

The office was silent as the two of them worked, aside from a few sighs and huffs. And that fucking clock. Wonho really didn't understand how Hyungwon could stand it, but he really couldn't and shouldn't complain. 

Wonho sat down at the desk, going through some of the books and folders Kihyun had apparently brought up finding mostly everything on his desk that had been there back at their HQ. He had no clue how the younger managed to get all of this, but he could only imagine the trouble. The computer was different, though, but there was a USB stick with copies of all his files and data hidden somewhere within his belongings. 

Even if he wasn't prepared for the explosion of his building, what he was prepared for was the possibility of losing his computer data. Hacking wasn't uncommon thus he had to keep things safely backed up somewhere that wasn't easily accessed by anyone but himself.

"What do you think our next move should be?" Wonho asked as he was turning on his computer. A slow hum came from the younger as he thought. "Finding the truth that hides beyond The Oblivion. At this point, it's pretty much proved that this doesn't end there." Hyungwon spoke and the small clank that echoed in the room signaled he set down a folder.

Wonho spun his chair around to see the other man. Maybe he should've faced his desk toward him but it was a little late now. "Have you found anything interesting that could help us along?" he then asked, earning a small shrug. "Only footnotes my dad left. Nothing in the deals is too incriminating other than the fact that they're not, well, public." Hyungwon shook his head, eyes scanning his desk before stopping on something though he quickly looked back up.

"Tell me anything you know." Wonho requested, throwing one leg over the other and leaning back in his seat. Hyungwon chuckled a bit, dropping the expression as quickly as it appeared. "I see you get comfortable quickly," he stated before picking up a sheet of paper. "I've just put together a small timeline from when the Black Crown first had anything to do with the Son family up until today when all of this started happening. Just to make sense of things and to see if there are repeats of anything."

"I've been doing some investigating of my own in the past few days. I managed to only reach some of the allies I have and received some of their papers on Ilsang. It's not a lot, but it's solid proof that the leaders who've been disappearing have had something to do with him in the past." Wonho wouldn't say he was surprised at the effort the younger had been putting into the whole ordeal, but that didn't mean he wasn't impressed.

His image of Chae Hyungwon had always been that he was a snobby, lazy, power-hungry bastard. Since he rarely wasn't out on the field himself, Wonho had built up a picture of the man just sitting in his office, sipping from a glass of wine while all his men were dying. Clearly, he had been quite wrong with the thought.

"Not to mention his rather convenient death announcement soon after our fathers were buried. It was what? A few months later if I'm not incorrect." Hyungwon tapped at the desk with his fingers and shook his head a little bit. Wonho had thought about it but hadn't given it a bigger thought, considering he wasn't convinced of his father's involvement with the ex-politician.

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