8. Mine

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There she was. Sienna West. My Sienna West. She was perfect. Auburn red hair, baby blue eyes, and the most beautiful smile a girl could ever have. Perfect. And one day, she would be mine. 

I watched her through the apartment window and I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was the perfect girl. I loved Sienna. And I knew she loved me. We were meant to be together. It was like fate. I had to get her alone somehow. But I couldn't since he was there. Her ex-boyfriend. He just wouldn't leave her alone. I watched them as they were fighting. Typical. A player thinks he can just win over a girl like Sienna with looks and charm.


She didn't deserve a guy like him. Sienna deserved better. I needed to get rid of him. They kept fighting until it got physical. He hit her across the face. She let out a scream which turned into a cry. That was my last straw. He hurt Sienna. He made her upset. He had to go. 

He left the house a few minutes later. This was my chance. I snuck into his car and hid in the backseat. He didn't suspect a thing. Just as I expected, he got into the driver's seat. Of course he would. He leaves the car unlocked and doesn't even check to see if there's anyone waiting to kill him. How careless. All the more reason to kill him. He put the key on the ignition and his foot on the gas and was about to drive, but not before I snuck up behind him and stabbed him to death. I stabbed him a total of thirty times. Then, when he was dead, I left the car without a trace. He was finally gone. Sienna and I can finally be together. 

Leaving the car, I kept watching Sienna as she got ready for bed. She turned off the lights in the living room and went upstairs to her room. It's time. I went around to the front of the house and went in. Her door was unlocked. His carelessness was rubbing off on her. That couldn't happen. Not if she intended to stay safe. At first glance, her apartment was okay. Not too crazy, but a casual place to call home. I went upstairs to the first floor bathroom. She was showering. I hid in a small closet in the back of the room and waited until she got out. The water turned off and the shower curtain opened. She came out with damp hair, a beige nightgown, turned off the lights, and went to bed.  

I emerged from the closet and leaned over her bed. She looked beautiful when she slept. It was about one thirty in the morning and it took us an hour to get there. We had to go. Now. I picked her up off the bed, careful not to wake her up. I wasn't sure if she would wake up along the way, but just to be sure, I drugged her. I didn't want to, but I had to. I put her in the trunk of the car and drove away. We were going somewhere special. 

An hour later, we arrived at the cabin. Sienna was still asleep, so I carried her all the way to the bedroom. I carefully placed her on the bed and waited for her to wake up. She was so pretty. Olive complexion and rosy cheeks. Beautiful. I kept watching her, until she was starting to open her eyes.

"Hey beautiful. You're awake."

"Where–Where am I?" she said.

She was moving around, the chains locking with her hands. She was tied to the bed. There was no way I was going to let her leave.

"You're home, Sienna. Where else would you be?"

"Who are you? Where am I? Let me go!" She kept moving around in an attempt to break free, but it wasn't going to work.

"Sienna, calm down. You're home."

"No. Let me go. Help!" 

"Sienna," I told her, pulling out my gun. "You need to calm down, okay?" I stared at her deep in her eyes. She stopped crying and just nodded. 

"Look, Sienna. I don't want to hurt you, okay? I love you." I said, pulling back a strand of her hair away from her face.

"W-what d-do you w-want?" she asked, trembling.

"You know what I want, Sienna. I want you to be mine. I want us to be together. We were meant to be together."

"No. You stalked me. You kidnapped me. You----You killed him."

"It's not stalking when it's about the one you love. And I didn't kidnap you. I just brought you home. I killed him because he hurt you. And I couldn't stand to see you upset."

She started to cry again, this time to herself. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She loved him, but he didn't love her. She needed someone who would love her and take care of her. She needed me.

"Sienna, I'm only going to ask you this once. Do you love me?"

No answer. Nothing. She was shaking and breathing heavily. Maybe it was too much. Maybe it was too soon. I knew deep down she did, but maybe she was just scared. Without saying anything else, I left the room. I locked the door on my way out, just in case she would try to escape. I went to the kitchen to make her some food. It was getting late and she had to eat. I looked through cabinets and drawers when I finally settled on something. Pasta. Sienna's favorite. I remembered all the countless times I've seen her at restaurants eating pasta and talking with her friends. My perfect Sienna. 

I went back to her room and put the plate of food in front of her. I untied her so she could eat and she sat up. 

"You know I've been watching you for some time now. I've seen you out with your friends, I've seen you with your parents, and even with that perverted boyfriend of yours. If I'm being honest, he didn't deserve you. I've been watching you since the day I met you at your coffee shop. I remember it all too well. You were there, I was there. You gave me your name, and I gave you mine. It was love at first sight. Do you remember me now, Sienna?"

"I---Jacob? I--I thought you--"

"You thought I was dead. Everyone did. That car crash looked so believable. It looked like a suicide. That was the whole point. I had to make it look like a suicide so I could be with you, Sienna. So we could be together. I wasn't going to leave you behind." 

"Jacob, why? Why did you do this? If you wanted to tell me you loved me, you could've just said it. You didn't have to kidnap me."

"I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen. You were too wrapped up in him when he didn't even love you. It was so obvious. But you loved him. And you stayed with him. He was the problem. But I got rid of him. He won't be a problem anymore and you can be with me now."

"Jacob, I can't. You---you killed someone. You stalked me. You kidnapped me. I---I can't love you. I don't love you."

"You don't mean that, Sienna. You do love me. Your whole life can be better with me."

"No. I don't."

"Don't say anything you're gonna regret, Sienna."

"Why? Because you'll kill me? You'll kill me for not being yours? For not being your girl?"

"I would never kill you. I love you. And I need to know that you love me too."

"I. Don't. Love. You. I will never love you."

"After everything I've done for you! After all that time we spent together! You don't know who you're dealing with, Sienna. You are mine. You belong to me."

"No I don't. I'm not yours. I will never be yours. You don't love me. You're obsessed with me. You're crazy."

"Crazy about you, Sienna. I love you. And I will always love you."

"No. Get away from me, you psycho."

"You're all the same. You're just like them. You make people fall in love with you so  you could break their heart in the end." I couldn't control myself at that moment. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at her.

"I'm so sorry, Sienna. It didn't have to end this way. I love you." 

I pulled the trigger and five shots rang out. She was laying on the bed, bleeding. I had to. I had to kill her. What was the point of keeping her alive? I cleaned up the blood and wrapped her body in a bag. My car was parked out front, so I put her body in the trunk and left. 

I buried her body where I buried the other bodies. The lakeside by the cabin. They wouldn't find her there. Not for about a week or two. I then went back in and packed a bag. I had to leave. Start a new life. I packed the picture of Sienna in my bag and then I left. 

I kept driving until I reached Bellview. It was a quiet place. Perfect for a new life. I also changed my name and rented a place there. I put up the pictures of all the girls I killed on the wall. But I never forgot about Sienna. She was mine.

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