Chapter 30

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Okay, I swear this is the last surprise update for a while xDD
But if you've read The King's Dancer you know I just can't help myself sometimes lololol


Ruoye was absolutely thrilled to see her father back home early and barreled into his legs the moment he stepped into the dining room. Hua Cheng was very steadfast though, so he didn't fall over, but Xie Lian was pretty sure that if it had been anybody else, they'd be in a heap on the floor now. Instead, Hua Cheng had lifted Ruoye up into his arms, and cuddled her for a good moment, even kissing her cheek, before finally carrying her back over to the dining table. Ruoye was of course squealing the whole time and refused to let go of her father, even when Hua Cheng had already sat himself down at the table.

In the end, Ruoye was allowed to keep sitting on her father's lap for breakfast, though Xie Lian was very firm in telling her that this was the only time he'd allow this. It was acknowledged begrudgingly by their daughter, and only in exchange for a whole day with her father. Luckily, Hua Cheng hadn't planned on working today anyway and succumbed to his fate gracefully and happily.

It started off with Ruoye chattering about all the important things Hua Cheng had missed, until she got tired of sitting around, at which point she forced both of them to play catch with her, and had eventually ended with a visit to Shi QingXuan in the infirmary. Hua Cheng had taken the game a bit too seriously and forced Ruoye to run away from him at full speed if she didn't want him to catch her, which had caused her foot to catch on a slightly uneven stone, and sent her tumbling to the ground.

Of course Xie Lian and Hua Cheng had been with her in an instant and could verify that while her hands and knees were bleeding, nothing worse had happened. Still, they both insisted on having Shi QingXuan check her over, just in case. In turn, Ruoye insisted on Hua Cheng carrying her there, which he did with the utmost care, while Xie Lian walked beside them, and tried his best to calm Ruoye down.

Shi QingXuan confirmed that she didn't sustain any more serious injuries, and bandaged her up before sending them on their way again.

Once they got back home, Hua Cheng carried Ruoye back into the pavilion in their garden and taught her to play go in order to keep her entertained despite the slight setback. Seeing how intently Ruoye focused on learning the rules, Xie Lian could be nothing but proud of her. It certainly hadn't been the first time Ruoye had injured herself, but this was by far the best she'd dealt with it yet. She was really growing up fast, he thought, and almost teared up.

After that day, Hua Cheng managed to spend more time with both Xie Lian and their daughter in general, and it had a visibly positive impact on Ruoye. Xie Lian wasn't quite sure why, but she always seemed to be a bit more confident when her father was around. After a few months of keeping an eye on that particularity, Xie Lian decided they needed to talk about it.

"Ruoye", he started in a serious tone that immediately had her sit up straighter. "I noticed you behave a bit differently whenever your father is around. What's that about?"

"I don't know what you mean", she replied much too quickly and squirmed visibly.

"I think you know exactly what I mean. Does he make you feel safer?", he asked, because that's what he'd been thinking.

Hearing his guess, Ruoye frowned and eventually shook her head.

"Not safer, but more... normal, I think?", she said and scrunched her nose in contemplation.

Xie Lian could only blink dumbly upon hearing this answer.

"More normal?", he asked, thinking he might have heard wrong.

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