Prologue Two: Old Friends (Part 1/2)

Start from the beginning

But... soon after, he couldn't wait not another second. He began walking forward, dragging his feet along the wet soil, leaving small marks of his presence as he went along. He slowly muttered to himself under his breath, making a small smartass remark. "I guess that this one was a little too heavy for Egypt to carry, eh?" Letting out a short and shaky titter under his breath, Sans approached the entrance of the humongous construct. Quickly and swiftly raising his fist... Sans proceeded to knock nonchalantly, a loud thundering knocking sound echoing from the door... almost as if the entirety of the inside was completely hollow. Sans blinked, his eye sockets widening.

A few moments of wonderless blinking go by, as Sans just... gazes at the door. No reaction from the Skeleton, yet no reaction from the environment around him. Just... silence, minus the chirps of nature, of course.

Sans spun around. "Well, I did all I could. Mind as well go ahead and-" ...Yet the moment he did, the first thing his eyes were met with was the sight of... darkness. Nothing but a void stood between Sans and what once was the beauty of nature before him. Quickly– a bit of sweat dropped down Sans' head as he squinted.

"I... well... that's... a bit concerning." Sans spun around on his heels, turning back to the pyramid only to see it... was gone as well. Sans blinked a few times- almost as if checking if his eyes were playing tricks on him... despite the impracticability of such. He blinked a few more times- trying to discern if this was some sort of trick... yet, nothing. Concern began to contort Sans' expression. Sans, reluctantly, took a singular step forward. The moment he did, a sudden expulsion of a blue shockwave shot out from underneath his feet. In front of Sans, a cluster of blue outlined tiles distinguished themselves from the darkness.

Almost immediately, Sans stepped forward, as if an impetus from his body. Sans walked across the tiles, not really caring to watch his step too much. Rather, his eyes stared focused on the ever-expanding darkness. Step after step, the air grew thicker with tension as Sans made his way down the pathway. Sans walked and walked, slowly approaching the end of the influx of tiles that seemingly randomly popped up for nowhere. After what seemed like minutes, Sans had finally reached the end of the trickery.

...Still and silent he stood, he looked down at the tile, having a neutral expression. Almost as if something bit him, Sans scratched the back of his head in a slightly discomforted way. He looked around the place, as if sure of something. Despite Sans' seeming lack of care towards the seeming illusion he was trapped in; he clearly had noticed it was some form of advanced technological property. If this was an ability, it would have clearly not worked in the first place.

Sans closed his eyes, as movements shadowed by the unknown swirled around him. Eldritch entities cloaked in their tattered cloaks enveloping them in mischief. Each inch they dared to make so casually Sans foresaw, sensing each place their bodies dared to step. Picking up on the clear indications to stay where he was, Sans' curiosity locked him in place. Not through a sense of fear, not his subconscious screaming danger, but... he showed it as more of a feeling that it would be the best logical way to come out of all of this.

"...I can feel each one of you guys, you can drop the whole act now."

Sans spoke out into the constricted void, yet nothing else spoke out to him from the abyss. He knew that there are people here, it was far too obvious, yet they seemed reluctant to speak up. Sans sighed, resting his head against his palm, a simple gesture of nothing else but disappointment. "...I can sense you all, y'know. There is no point in hidi- okay, whatever, screw it." Sans quickly shot out his left arm, closing his eyes tight as he seemingly attempted to hone his concentration. A sudden burst of Aura began to flare around Sans' hand, nearly filling the empty and dark room with a blue glowing tinge. Sans opened his eyes, slightly redirecting the direction of which his hand pointed. A sudden ring echoed through the hollowness of the construct, as Sans quickly fired out a swift beam from his hand.

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