"You- you're crazy." She slurred.

Krystal's vision blurred in and out as a pool of blood formed around her.

"This bitch did not get blood on my One's." Keraine complained, trying to wipe it off.

She busted out in tears. She begged so hard to get these white one's just for them to be coated in her mom's blood.

"It's okay, it's fine, I just need bleach." She tried to make herself feel better.

She rolled her mom over to get out the 10 dollars she always kept in her back pocket.

This should be more than enough for bleach, maybe even sum Skittles too she thought.

She walked barefoot on the sidewalk and road in the middle of July to the nearest Walmart, not wanting to ruin her Forces anymore.

Meanwhile 13 year old Zamir had just challenged his stepfather's authority resulting in a unfortunate altercation.

"Excuse me?" Deuce jerked his head back.

"I SAID who the fuck is you talking to!?" Zamir bucked at his stepfather who didn't flinch at his skinny, scrawny figure.

"Don't you ever in yo life talk to him like that!" Zamir's mother, Jackie yelled.

"You think you scare me? You let a nigga with no car, job, or home beat on you." He laughed.

Deuce raised his hand to strike the lil boy but Zamir grabbed the pan of hot grits on the stove and threw it on his face instead.

"AhHhHhHhHhHhH!" Zamir mimicked his screams.

He always had a smart mouth. His stepdad who beat on him and his mother for all of Zamir's life usually got his behavior under control through fear. Today however Zamir was bold, he woke up and chose violence.

"OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Jackie screamed, rushing over to her longtime boyfriend.

He didn't like how she let Deuce beat him. Hell she even watched. So he decided to pick up the hammer resting on the dinning table. He swung once at her head, knocking her down.

He released all of his anger beating them to death, surely breaking at least the majority their bones. After maybe an hour of beating their corpses he fell hungry.

He jogged to the nearest Walmart for sum snacks. What caught his sight was the trail of bloody footmarks through the entrance. Curiously he followed them which lead to the cleaning isle.

"Girl do you know yo feet bleeding?" He taps her shoulder.

"My feet ain't bleeding." She looks at him dumb.

"But- nevermind." He chose to mind his business.

"Whatchu looking fa?" He asked.

"Bleach." She sighed.

"Oh there it go." He gave her a gallon.

"Thanks." She shrugged.

"What do you need the bleach for?" He asked once his nosiness peaked again.

"My mom's blood got on my white forces." She rolled her eyes.

"See that's why you wear black forces." He smiled pointing to his.

She nodded, falling in love with the idea of them.

"Why is there blood on your hands?" She squinted at his hands.

"I just beat my mom and stepdad to death." He said proudly.

"Imma have to double back for my dad." She laughed.

"Uh the police here." He said seeing lights.

"Who you think they here for, you or me?" She sighed.

"Ion know but I can't take that chance. Let's go." He ran and she followed him blindly.

They ran into the bathroom.

"Why are we in the bathroom?" She frowned.

"Girl you ain't never seen a movie?" He looked her up and down.

"Vents dummy." He said and she made an O with her lips.

"Okay so how we gone get it open?" She scratched her head.

"Fuck okay plan b, we gotta run past them." He said getting stressed out.

"I get out of breath using escalators, how I'm bout to outrun a damn cop?" She mugged him.

"Use yo legs ion know?" He mugged her back.

"Ion like you."

"Ion like you either. Now hurry up." He waved her over to the door.

The managed to dodge the police at the first exit but they had to pass the ones at the next exit.


They ignored the yelling, luckily with them being small it was easy for the overweight and out of shape policeman to lose them.

Running together they managed to make it back to Keraine's block. Her house was blocked off by police cars and Zamir's likely was too.

"Whole street surrounded, what am I gone do?" She sat down on the sidewalk watching from afar.

"Ion know but they're prolly looking for us, we can't stay here." He held his hand out to help her stand back up.

"Where are we going?" She questioned.

"I don't know but we can't stay in Texas." He shrugged.

After all that happened here this place was no longer her home so she took his hand, putting her trust in the stranger yet again.

Let's see how smart y'all are! They been inseparable for 14 years since they met so figure out they ages.



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