From time to time, the crunch of footsteps echoed through the quiet street as they stepped on the snow collecting on the road. One tall and one short human; a pair of shoes and a pair of boots walked quietly across the pavement.

The shorter human was trying to keep up to the pace of the taller human but still kept the distance of two steps behind the taller human.

As the two started walking into a series of turns on the main roads and back alleyways between the industrial buildings, Kaiyo looked at the large back of her father.

"Remember the way. I won't show you the route again after this," the taller male coldly spoke to the shorter one, his dark eyes looking down at the shorter female walking behind him over his shoulder. His statement snapped Kaiyo out of her stupor.

"... Yes Father." Kaiyo bowed her head slightly.

Looking at the broad shoulders and familiar head, a similar memory surfaced in her mind. Her walking behind the same person with the same back. An apparition of the past fluttered into her sight as she imagined the same father walking beside the current one.

The ghost-like figure turned his head around. Hair covering his eyes, a wide grin grew on his lips as he gave out a hand while walking sideways.

'Hahaha, is the snow too much? Here, hold my hand! Lest you get stuck again!'

The illusion of laughter rang lightly in her ears as vivid as it had happened years ago.

--Before the incident happened.

They were oh so similar. But the differences between them were immeasurable now.

When had things started going wrong? She asked herself. Was it when that incident happened? If only she hadn't run her mouth and gotten chased after.

Her eyes saw the floating beings around her.

If only she wasn't able to see these dreadful things. She viewed herself as a cursed one. The power was a cursed power bestowed upon her by the Gods. One that was said to bring blessings to the beholder but had ended up as a power of a curse.

'I miss the past us...' Her heart ached, throbbing with a mental pain in her chest. She blinked the tears in her eyes away. If she cried now, she would only get hit again.

After a series of turns and keeping hidden from street cameras, the two eventually reached a building. Seeing the reddish-brown building in sight, the young female couldn't help the shiver of fear chilling down her back. Gulping down the tight knot in her throat, she followed her father into the building. They went down a flight of stairs which eventually connected to another long hallway and a few more doors.

Kaiyo's eyes widened and her legs stopped moving. What made her stop wasn't the sight of the few men dressed in dress shirts and pants standing by the doorway, but the sight of the guns strapped to each of their shoulder holsters. They were plain in view.

"What are you standing there for? Walk," her father spoke when he noticed her standing rooted by the doors after greeting the men.

Kaiyo wanted to turn tail and run but she knew she couldn't. She flinched when she noticed the dark gaze of her father. It was telling her—commanding her—to move her legs and follow him. She bit the inside of her cheek, sucked in a deep breath, willed the fear down and took a shaky step forward. That small step felt like an immense pressure weighing down on herself.

--That small step brought forth many series of meetings and incidents in the future for the younger innocent Kaiyo.

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