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6 hours before

"Do you ever wonder what life would be like without soulmates?"

Yongbok looks over at me, tearing his eyes away from the doodles of hearts on his paper. He squints slightly, almost like the thought never ran through his head before.

"Why bother?" he chirps.

I sigh staring at the drawing on his page.


Big, little, wavy, angular, a million iterations of a love heart.

"I think trying to prolong the inevitable, or even trying to deny or question its nature, is just-" he pauses the word on the tip of his tongue. "Tiring."

I scoff.

A boy who's face looks like it's never even experienced dark circles wants to talk about things that are exhausting? The same boy who happily let me nap on his shoulder several times, all while staying awake is trying to conversation on the topic of 'tired'.

"Oh please Yongbok. When's the last time you were actually exhausted?" I jabber.

His marker stroke stops suddenly. A brief and dark look takes over his face, almost as if I spoke a secret trigger word.

Then, almost as fast as it began, he was back to his sunshine persona.

"I'm a dancer." he shrugs off the question. "I know a lot of people don't really think it's all that much work, but it's tiring sometimes. Sure I knew what I was getting myself into; hours in the studio, countless rehearsals, the injuries and mental blocks, but there's other stuff too."

Damn it.

I think he can feel my guilt pouring over to his seat, so he drops the marker taking my hand slowly into his.

"But I love my work and, like soulmates, I luckily don't have to live life without it."



how y'all doing?


i'd like to say sorry for my 10 month hiatus. as much as I loved this story, I felt incredibly burnt out. I was going through a lot of personal things and honestly, kind of forgot about wattpad for a bit.

while i've been gone a lot of things have happened.

-I started my first in person semester at uni
-I met incredibly supportive and amazing friends
-I got 2 tattoos and a boatload of piercings
-I stopped listening to kpop
-I started listening to kpop again
-I found so much more joy and happiness in my life
-I started doing things I actually enjoy again
-I started living in the world, not just creating fiction around it

honestly I started this book (as well as wattpad in general) when I was in a relationship that wasn't very healthy for me in so many ways. I lived vicariously through the stories I read and wrote and didn't believe that something good could actually exist.

I now know that better is out there; whether it's from yourself or another. and it's worth trying to find.

longer chapters will be out so keep your eye on this book!

i'm so excited to be back<3

14 hours | lee felixWhere stories live. Discover now