A new... Home? .2

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"What... are you?" You all asked at the same time.

Her smile drops along with her, her eyes narrowing. "You are a different kind of human. Hm." She sits back and examines you.

"What?" You ask, confused by what she means.

"Your soul's energy is purer," She said matter of factly like you should know this. She thought for a second, then said, "You wouldn't know that however, for your species has strayed too far," She leaned closer, "And I don't mean from your planet." She turned upside down and giggled, then disappeared.

You looked around, seeing no trace of her.

"The inhabitants don't seem to be hostile, but you never know." You radioed to HQ. You decided to move forward.

You only walked a few steps before a snake fell from the canopy in front of you, curling around a bird of some sort. The bird looked to be a sponge but was alive. The moss green snake gave one last squeeze, the sponge bird gave one last squawk, then the snake dragged it into the underbrush.

"Uhhh..." Fox then looked at you. "What kind of bird was that?"

You shrugged.

You continued, but the forest was silent, and not even birds were singing. You thought you heard whispering in the bushes a few times, but when you investigated, there was nothing.

You started to hear music; boisterous, like what one would expect to hear at a pub.

"Music? Are there other people here?" Aidan whispered, and you shrugged in reply.

You headed towards the music and came upon a clearing full of giant teepees made of living bamboo. Smoke came out of the top, and you heard the murmur of voices. The doors were cut-out holes in the sides, with a dark brown curtain covering. You went closer, then peeked in.


It was full of pandas. Devouring bamboo cooked in so many ways.

They seemed to be throwing a party for a younger panda, who was getting presents. "Some sort of birthday party..." You murmured when suddenly a heavy pair of paws fell on your shoulders.

"Rrgh arh?" You heard above you. You looked, it was a panda missing its left eye, and it didn't look too happy. You looked at your teammates, and they were restrained by two other pandas, one missing an ear and the other missing part of their snout. They were both held like toys to the panda's chests.

You were picked up and slung over the shoulder like a sack of potatoes. You struggled, but the panda was so strong. It brought you inside, along with Aidan and Fox. A cheer went up, then the panda rumbled underneath you, as it seemed to be talking.

You were sat down at a table, and something was secured around your waist. You looked, it was a black bamboo belt. The same was done for Aidan and Fox, who were seated to either side of you.

The big panda with the missing left eye looked you over, then nodded. It called out to a kitchen of some sort, then went to the young panda having the birthday. You struggled, but the bamboo seemed to be high-grade. You looked around, noticing that the top of the structure was a golden brown like it was being cooked from the smoke.

A plate clattered in front of you, causing you to jump as far as the chair would allow. It was a slimmer panda, more humanoid in shape, with extra fur done up in a bun on their head, the ends of the hair pink. You looked at the plate in front of you.

It was a bamboo piece cut in half, long and thick as your forearm. There was a green paste smeared on top, and the bamboo was a golden brown. Aidan and Fox were served the same thing.

"Eat up." The panda said in a feminine voice, then walked away.

You looked at the food suspiciously. The young panda came over and peered over the top of the table. It was gazing at the plate in front of you, then glanced up to you, to the food, and back to you.

"What, you want it?" You asked, and were surprised when she nodded furiously. The panda missing their eye came over and picked her up, shaking their head and scooting the plate closer to you. They then pointed to the plate, then up to the young panda, and shook their finger 'no'.

They went away, and you were just confused.

"This is really good!" Fox said next to you. You looked and saw she was halfway done already.

"It could have been poisoned! Are you feeling ok? Is the room how it's supposed to be? Can you feel all of your limbs?" You asked worriedly, then got stopped when Aidan rested a hand on your shoulder.

"It's fine! They are probably just being hosts!" He said cheerfully, and he was already done. You glared. He took his hand away. "Don't be like that. Chef!" He called out, holding his hand with a finger raised.

You smacked him lightly and asked, "What are you doing?"

He shrugged, "Still hungry, and that was really good." The panda with pink hair came over and smiled. "May I have some more? What else have you got? It was delicious."

"Many choices." She said, simply.

"Surprise me, please." He nodded, having made his decision.

"Both?" She pointed to Fox as well, who had finished.

They nodded.

"Who are you? Why are we restrained? How can you speak English?" You asked, narrowing your eyes.

They smiled politely, then said, "Still learning, daughter speak better Human. I am Honey Whistle, in Human. I get food." They then went back to the kitchen.

"That doesn't answer the questions." You sulked, then dipped your finger into the green stuff and tasted it. It tasted like a cool spring morning, dew fresh on the grass. It shot a pleasant spark through your taste buds. "Hmm." You picked off a bit of bamboo and tried it. A crisp fall evening, spring has long gone but still hints of it lingering. "This is delicious," You murmured.

In your peripheral, you saw Aidan and Fox nod their heads.

You picked up the bamboo and took a bite, then gasped. It was like a summer afternoon, not the oppressive heat but the cool shade of the forest; some spots still holding dew from that morning, and a cool breeze brushing by your ear.

Next thing you knew, you had eaten the whole thing.

Honey Whistle came out with three bowls of bamboo soup, all placed on their arm but sunk in a little. They placed the bowls in front of you, then gave you each a strangely shaped stick, like a mixture of a fork and spoon. It was like a miniature staff, curling into a cone, but without the top.

"Huh?" You looked at them, who smiled back.

"Eating utensil made for bamboup. Delicious soup, usually fed to sick or unhealthy ones. Which is you, unhealthy." Then they bobbed their head and went away.

"Unhealthy?" You murmured, then shrugged and got ready to taste it.

At that moment, however, a pack of humanoid black wolves in purple robes came in. The one in the front pointed to you and said simply:

"You're coming with us."

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