Oh dear....

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Nalitper x reader



A gash of lightning illuminates the room, showing a female figure with (color) hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She is playing on her phone, and if we look over her shoulder, we see she has reset the game she is playing (which is Illuminati: Conspiracy), but was already on Galaxy. Nalitper comes up on the screen.

"Great job Master! You have unlocked a Secret level for completing the game so quickly since your last reset! Your prize is-"

Her phone sparks dangerously, and she quickly dropped it. "OW FUCKIDY FUCK FUCK!!!" She yells as her phone electrocutes her; the power line having been hit by some lightning a few seconds ago. "Damn gotta get a new phone, AND all my progress is lost... Wonder what that prize was? Eh, it will probably be sent to me, should expect it in like a week or something." She shrugs, shaking off a weird feeling, writing it off as getting zapped.

"I should sleep..." She yawns and cuddles into a body pillow that is a purple male dragon with amazing abs and perfect muscles.

She didn't notice her phone screen flashing yellow...


As I wake up, I hear the stomps of my roommate coming to my room, probably back from work for her break. I hate when I sleep in...

"Y/N WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME!?" She yelled as she slammed the door open, still in her PJs, a skimpy crop top and short shorts, both silky cream with a bit of blue.

I sit up and look at the clock, "6:13?! WHY YOU YELLING AT ME AT THE ASS CRACK OF DAWN MADDIE?!?" I yelled back, confused since she usually let me get my sleep.

"THERE-" She inhales, then exhales. "There is a creature. In the kitchen. Making waffles." She takes another breath, but then I interject with an excited "WAFFLES?! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD COOK WAFFLES!" I then jumped up, fixing my oversized shirt (with a picture of Nalitper saying "Great job Master!") Then run down the stairs.

"Y/N WAIT! I WASN'T FINISHED!" Maddie yells down the steps, trying to keep up with me.

I stop dead in the doorway to the kitchen, not believing my eyes.

"Ah! Hello Master! I know you like waffles, so I made some!" It was Nalitper. From the Illuminati: Conspiracy game. Talking to me. Making me waffles. I can't take this. 

So I faint, my head light and my vision fading out.

I wake up to a soothing tune, someone stroking my head, playing with my hair. I can feel myself on the couch, and realize my head is in someone's lap. Thinking it's Maddie, I snuggle my head into the stomach while wrapping my arms around the torso.

"I swear I have the weirdest dreams..." I say, it is muffled by the shirt of the person I am holding.

"Really? Why don't you tell me, Master?" A MALE voice responds.

I sit up straight, already on the other side of the couch by the time I can process it. I see Nalitper, his triangular head looking straight at me, his one eye conveying confusion.

"What is it, Master? Do you not like your head being pet?" He asks, his head tilting.

"You are not a dream, are you?" I whisper, my eyes are wide in wonder.

"No, afraid not. Do you not enjoy me being comforting? I could stop, if that pleases you, Master." He replies, looking down.

"No no no no no, that isn't it, I just never expected you to be... what's the word? Real." I say, calming down and relaxing on the couch.

"Ah. Sounds right, since we have only ever seen each other through a screen, it would make sense." He replies, relaxing more on the couch. He then gets up and disappeared into the kitchen.

{Time skip brought to you by Nalitper on the internet, "Why is there no fanart of me? Huggy has it and he is a stick!"}

"Master! Great News!" Nalitper bursts into my room, holding a box.

I quickly close the window I was on, not wanting him to know what I was doing.

"Oh, dear!" Nalitper exclaims before I can grill him about entering my room. "I am so sorry! In my excitement, I forgot to knock before I entered your quarters! I apologize deeply Master," He bows while backing out of the room, "Is there anything I can do?" He asks with a pleading look.

"Anything?" I ask.

"Anything." He confirms.

I smirk. "Are you sure? If you mean anything and everything, you will regret it!" My smirk grows, half hoping he says no, and half hoping he says yes.

"What is that look for Master? I mean anything." He closes his eye as he takes a deep breath and then says, "I feel like I should follow the advice your friend gave me."

I look at the time and realize it's 10:30. "And what advice is that?" I turn my chair to fully face him, looking him straight in the eye, thanking Maddie internally for warning him, so I wouldn't regret it later.

"She said to avoid offering to do anything, and to be warned that you seem to have a bit of a dual personality, being normal, but then being flirty and- OH." He exclaimed, his eye wide. "I realize my folly! I do not mean everything!"

I exhale, relieved. "Oh, thank goodness, I can't control it sometimes! Thankfully Maddie warned you, I gotta take her out to dinner to thank her! It is hard to control the Feral in me." I slouch down in my chair, very relieved.

"What do you mean? You seem to have control over that disorder of yours." He looks at me confused and comes closer.

"Not really, but when that mood doesn't have much fuel, it goes out. You might not wanna get too close to me for a few days." I add, him only being a few feet away.

"I do not fear you; you are my Master, I am yours." He says with a nod, sitting on the edge of my bed.

I groan. "See it's things like that, that cause the Feral side to be activated." My eyes narrow and I smirk. "Buuuut, keep talking like that, and I might not be able to," I inhale, "Control myself~." I get up and saunter closer to him, but then stop jerkily and go sit back in the chair. "Damn why must your way of talking be so hot...." I whisper.

"What was that Master?" Seems he didn't hear me.

"Nothing, nothing... Hey, I'mma do work now K?" I turn back to the computer and open a different window, avoiding the window I had been on when he came in.

I hear him lay down, and soon after, soft snores. I stealthily continue working on the window, when I am almost done with it, I hear the springs slightly creaking, so I quickly close the window.

I feel his hands on my shoulders, his voice right next to my ear.

"Master. What was that?"

I was screwed.


What was she working on? 

There had been two prototype ideas, one where she wakes up to him at the foot of her bed, and one where she comes down and finds him making waffles.

Story IdeasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ