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"Earth to Dylan."Khai said pulling me from my thoughts.

"What?"I asked and looked at my friends.

"What's up with you?Since you come to dinner at our place you've been acting weird."Freddie said.

"I'm not acting weird."I said.

"Yes you do.So does dad and I know you know why. You know something we don't and I want you to tell us what that something is."Khai said.

I looked at all of them and sigh.After all this time I really think I should tell them what I know.

"But you guys need to promise me you won't get mad at me or our dads."I said and they all looked at me confused but nodded.

"Take your phones and google all our dads names at once."I said.

"What?Why?"Bear said.

"Just do it."I said.

"What the hell is One direction?"Khai said.

"One direction was British-Irish boy band formed on UK's show X-factor in 2010 who's members were Harry Styles,Liam Payne,Niall Horan and ex member Zayn Mlaik who left the bend in Mach of 2015."I said and all of them looked at me shocked.

"And you know this how?"Maya asked.

"Well fist of all I wanted to know what comes up when I google my dad and I found out about the band.And I found out a lot of things.Go read a bit more and I'll explain everything later.I'll go get something from my dad's room."I said and they nodded.

I made my way to my dad's room and took the diary.I know I shouldn't have but I need to do something.When I come back to the living room I saw pure shock on everyone's faces.I sat down again and they all looked at me and waited for me to explain.

"One direction was the biggest boy band at the time and everyone was crazy about them.Long story short manager was shit and they all went trough shit and were overworked and closeted.At the time my and Khai's dad dated Bear's dad and Jay's dad dated Darcy's and Freddie's dad.I found this diary in which they all write their days.It started on the fist of January 2011 and finished on 1 of January 2012.There are five diaries for five years and each member has one."I said.

"I can't believe what just happened.Why would they lie about something lie this."Jay said shocked.

"Did you read the diary?"Khai asked.

"Yes."I said.

"What does it say in it?"Maya asked.

"At the start it was Niall who was writing it and saying how Liam and Zayn scared to make a move on each other and how Harry and Louis and so in love.After that all five of them started writing in about their love and menagere problems.They also talked about how hard it was on them because they never had free time.They were our age and haven't seen their parents since the X-factor."I said.

"Did thy broke up on good terms?"Jay asked.

"Not with my dad.Everyone say he just left and never liked it but it wasn't truth.I heard him and Louis talking about what happened and dad said he was forced to leave my their menager and he never got say a goodbye to anyone."I said sadly.

"I have an idea."Bear said.

"Tell your dad's to meet you at the restaurant we always meet at and let's see what happens."he said.

"Do your really think that is a good idea to meet four ex-lovers and five ex best friends out of blue?"I asked.

"We are about to find our because dad just said he will be there in fifteen minutes and I booked the table."Khai said and I sigh.

Oh boy here we go again with the stress.

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