Chapter Two: The Unforgettable Date

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As I woke up I saw him looking at me he kissed me and said: " Hey did you sleep ok I know I can be a little cold." I looked at him and said: " It's fine I'm always hot so it helps to have you in the bed with me." He looked at me and said: " Come on get up and let's get ready for school I went and got my clothes last night while you were sleeping." I looked at him and said: " I need to find  a spell to help you eat and sleep again." He looked at me and said: " Wait you can do that." I looked at him and kissed him and went to get ready for my first day I was going to meet Bella today and today was our first ever date we went to get our schedules and they looked like this 

Keyvon's Schedule

Physical Science: Room 405

English, Grade 12: Room406

Algebra 2: Room 408

Musical Arts: Double-A Building room A

History: Room 410

Sophie's Schedule

Physical Science: Room 405

English, Grade 12: Room 406

Algebra 2: Room 408

Musical Arts: Double-A Building room A

Art: Room 206

Jeremy's Schedule

Physical Science: Room 405

English, Grade 12: Room 406

Algebra 3: Room 407

History: Room 410

Art: Room 206

Nathan's Schedule 

Physical Science: Room 405

English, Grade 12: Room 406

Algebra 3: Room 407

History: Room 410

Art: Room 206

We all had classes together so we were all good we went to class and then it was time for lunch we walked in with the Cullen and I heard everyone talking asking who the hot new kids were and why they were with the Cullens we went and got lunch and I and my family ate while the Cullens just played with there food Rosalie was just hugging Nathan the whole time and Emmett was all up under me not that it's a bad thing but still the next thing I know Bella and Edward walk in the lunchroom she looks at me as Emmett kisses me and came to the table and said: " What the hell are you doing with my mate bitch." Sophie was about to get up when I grabbed her hand and then I looked at Bella and said: " He is my mate and you can only have one you dumb bitch and if you talk to me like that again it will be the last time you breathe." She looked at me shocked and Edward growled at me and Emmett and I growled back she looked at Nathan and said: " Oh I never dated a black boy before." I looked at her and Rosalie hissed at her and said: " You just a big ass hoe let me guess my brother is your mate too." She looked at me and as she was about to grab my necklace that helps with my powers it burned her and she said: " What the hell are you are you a demon." I looked at her and said: " If I was a demon I would have killed you by now and you will see what I am at the baseball game this weekend." She looked at Edward and said: " No I wanted to have alone time with my mates I don't want her there." I looked at her and said: " You don't get to make that call I get to have time with my mate's family so it is up to my mate and his parents, not you." She looked at me and then Edward before Edward could say something Nathan growled at him I looked at Nathan and said: " Have you heard from Bonnie I know she called once and I was asleep." Nathan looked at me and said: " She said they started school and if there are any problems they will call I can't believe this is their first day in college." Bella looked at me and said: " Who the fuck is Bonnie another whore you know." Before I know it I slapped Bella in the face she looked at me and Edward tried to grab my hand but Emmett stopped him I looked at her and said: " You can say whatever you want about me but you leave my family out of your damn mouth or so help me god you will not live to see the next day."  Edward looked at me and said: " Why did you slap her she was just playing around." I looked at him and I said: " Well she needs to learn I ain't shit to play with that girl is like a damn sister to me." Sophie just looked at me and grabbed my hand and looked at me to see if I was ok Emmett looked at Edward and said: " Bella knows what she is doing she says shit to hurt people Oh Alice can you tell Esme I will be home late I and Keyvon are going on a date." Bella looked at me and them him and said: " No you will not go on a date with this bitch before me you are mine." As she says that my eyes start to glow but he kissed me and they stopped before anyone can see and he says " You are not my mine you are nothing to me and I hope Edward finds his real mate because we all know that's not you." As he says that I go into a vision and I see Bonnie with Edward and they are happy and she was smiling for once in her life she found the man she loved as I get pulled out of my vision I hear Jasper say " Keyvon are you ok do you get visions too because you and Alice were out of it for a minute." I looked at him and said: " Yeah I have visions sometimes Nathan tells Bonnie to come to Forks to see us I know she will like it." He looked at me like he got the hint and texted Bonnie that we find her mate Alice looked at me like she had the same vision Bella looked at me and said: " What did you see and why is this Bonnie girl coming here." Before I could say anything I get a call and see that it is Bonnie I answer and say " What's up dondon I thought you were at college." And then she said: " I, Elena, and Caroline got into Washington University and was hoping if we could stay with you we thought about dorms but they said if we get dorms we can't live together so is it ok with momma Keke." And then I said: " Yeah dondon you guys can come live with us you know momma has no problem with it and we have a lot of room when will ya'll get here." Before Bonnie could say anything  Bella said: " You can't move here because I don't want you here." And then Bonnie said: " You must be Bella give Keyvon back the phone now and I am moving there." Alice grabs my phone and hands it to me and Bonnie says " You're right she does sound like a bitch and we will be there tomorrow." And then Alice said: " We are having a baseball game Saturday do yall want to come." And then Bonnie said: " Who was that and no we can't come we have to get ourselves in school that day." And I said: " That was my friend Alice and we will see you after the game and is it true that Stefan and Damon are moving here too." And then Bonnie said: " Maybe they have been lonely since Elena and Caroline moved so they may come there Elena told Damon we were moving there so they may come too." As I was about to say something the bell ringed and I said: " I have to get to class talk to you later girls see you when you get here." And they said: " Love yall see you when we get there bye." And we all go back to class as we were walking out of the lunchroom Bella was giving me this evil look and Emmett just keep me close as we got to class I learn I have two classes with Emmett he looked at me and said: " So when do I get to meet Bonnie as your boyfriend." I looked at him and said: " It's not Bonnie you need to worry about the girls will be happy Stefan and Damon, on the other hand, may not like seeing their little sister growing up." He looked at me and said: " I will make them like me even if it kills me." I looked at him and said: " So what are we going for our date or will you not tell me." He looked at me and kissed me on the head and said: " I will not be telling you just wait and see you will love it I promise." I looked at him and giggled a little bit and go back to my homework so that when I got home from my date I wouldn't have to do anything. As school ended I went to Emmett's jeep and kissed him and went to my car and went home I went to my room and got ready for my date I was thinking about putting on makeup but I didn't need makeup so I just put on this and went to the door because I heard the doorbell 

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