When the group reached the island, something caught Cara's eye and she pointed to a rope that led down into a cave. "We're not the first to arrive."

"The lords?" Edmund guessed, also noticing the rope.

"Could be," Caspian said as he peeked into the cave. He grabbed a rock and dropped it down. "What do you think could be down there?"

Edmund shrugged. "Let's find out."

The younger king was the first to climb down. Caspian was next, followed by Lucy, then Cara.

The Telmarine Princess felt uneasy and said, "There's something dark about this place. Be careful."

Cara stopped herself before she suggested they split up into pairs, realising it would be better if they all stayed together. Not one of them had an inclination as to what evil this place was capable of.

Edmund walked closer to a golden statue of a man. "What's that?" Caspian asked as the others moved closer to Edmund.

He shook his head. "I don't know. Looks like some sort of gold statue."

Edmund looked around and ripped a branch off of the tree as he attempted to move the statue, Suddenly, the branch seemed heavy and as soon as he lifted it from the water, they saw that it had turned to gold.

"He must have fallen in," Caspian noted, staring at the statue.

"Poor man," Lucy said quietly.

Cara glanced at their exit. "We should leave. I fear this place is tempting us."

Edmund glanced to his sister and said, "You mean poor lord."

"The crest of Restimar," Caspian replied, noticing the shield.

"And his sword," Edmund said as he pointed to the sword.

"We need it," Caspian and Cara told them.

Edmund drew his sword and Caspian held onto his arm, bracing the two of them. Cara saw the green mist swirling beneath them and hoped they would be safe and wouldn't fall to temptation.

"Be careful," Lucy and Cara warned.

Edmund managed to get the sword without falling in. "Your sword hasn't turned to gold."

"Both swords are magical," Caspian explained. "Here."

Lucy was still focused on the lord. "He mustn't have known what hit him."

"Maybe. Or maybe he was onto something," Edmund stated, placing down his sword.

Caspian was still holding the lord's sword. "What are you talking about?"

Edmund silently picked up a shell. He bent down and dipped the tip of it into the water and dropped it as it turned to solid gold. The greed in his eyes concerned Cara and if she were being honest, terrified her.

"What are you staring at?" Lucy wondered, noticing the same look Cara was seeing.

Edmund looked up at them, the hunger and greed still evident in his eyes. "Whoever has access to this pool, could be the most powerful person in the world." Lucy, Caspian and Cara exchanged a worried look. "Lucy, we'd be so rich. No one could tell us what to do, or who to live with."

Lucy stepped back, pulling Cara with her.

"You can't take anything out of Narnia, Edmund," Caspian said.

"Says who?" Edmund questioned, still gazing at the shell.

Caspian's expression darkened. "I do."

Lucy stepped back further, once again, pulling the Telmarine Princess with her. Cara stared between her brother and the Just King. In all the time she had known Caspian, she'd never seen him act this way, and it terrified her.

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