Pen pals (Peeking Postman x Reader)

Start from the beginning

Lady Sanctuary noticed you had left a sleeping bag and panicked. "Wait! (Y/N)! You forgot your sleeping bag- Ah what the heck, they're already far." 


"Last stop! Village of Dreams!" Talented Builder announced. 

You excitedly got off from the bench to look at your destination. It was a quaint little town surrounded by several snow-capped mountains. There were streamers and tiny fairy lights decorated in the lanes. Two large ice rinks on either side of the village, with an obsidian stone statue of a skater in one of them. You remembered Yume rambling on about her idol (the statue) frequently in some of her letters. Your eyes sparkled at the sight of seeing snow for the first time. One of the magical white flakes landed on your tongue and you beamed. You got to taste snow! It will take a while to get used to the icy temperature. You could feel chills still penetrating into your wooly coat. 

The boat slowly came to a stop, hovering beside the village's station. After helping for taking your stuff off the boat, you thanked your pilot and began to walk towards the address of your friend. It was hard walking in heavy boots in the clumps of snow.

You stopped in front of a wooden door of a two story house. This was it. You took a deep breath and knocked. 

"I'll get it!" Yelled the voice of a young girl. 

The door opened to reveal a girl in a pony tail and a nice sliver dress. "Hiya! What can I-" She gasped the moment she saw you. Her surprised reaction immediately turned to one of joy. "Oh mY BIRD! (Y/N)! AIEEEEEEEE!" Yume screamed in delight and you also screamed, holding each other's hands and jumping. "Who's at the door?" Another voice called out. Yume ushered you inside her home and you took off your jacket and boots. "Mom! Peek! (Y/N)'s here!" You followed her into her kitchen and saw two people. A woman with short hair and wore a similar dress like Yume's, and another kid who looked to be around your age. They wore a rabbit mask. 

"Mom, Peek. (Y/N)!" Yume introduced you. Ms Dreams smiled warmly at you and bended to hug you. "(Y/N), so lovely to see you again dear!" "It's nice to see you too!" 

Yume then gestured to the rabbit-masked person. They shyly made their way to you and lent out a hand. You shook hands. "Uh, hi!" They said, their voice breaking a little. "My name is Peek...I'm a postman...?" 

"I know you! Yume mentioned you in a couple of her letters. Great to see you in person, Peek!" You grinned. Peek blushed underneath their mask and chuckled. 

Yume was very excited to see you both interacting. "Aww, my two best friends actually hanging out! I can already see sparks!"

After introductions and drinking delicious homemade hot cocoa by Ms Dreams, you, Yume, and Peek went around town and letting you get familiar with the place. You were enamored by their village. It was so filled with warmth and jubilation, despite the weather being below zero. A little cold never stopped these people, heck, you even saw a few of them without coats!

You got to meet some charming town spirits. Such as Yume's skating instructor, the Spinning Mentor. She even put on a little performance for you three, showcasing her amazing moves. You met another one of Yume's teachers, the Dancing Performer, whom you sang a few carols with him while played his sitar. And many other people of the village. 

"What's it like in the Sanctuary Islands?" Peek questioned. "Hot." You and Yume said at the same time. You giggled. "It's actually pretty fun! There's a lot of lounge spots to sunbathe, mantas you can pet and even ride on, a hiking trail, and you can swim in the ocean." You explained. "Have you ever swam in water?" Peek shook their head, looking intrigued. "The only time I went for a 'swim' was when I accidently fell by the shore of a frozen lake." They shuddered at the memory as if they were back in the cold water. "But where you come from,  I'm sure the water there is warmer."

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