
The forest's once calming, almost tiring silence was now terrifying, and made Kwite want to shit himself. Right then and there.

This was no time for shitting, though, they needed to find this thing that he still knew, deep in his gut, was still staring at them. Almost mocking him, perhaps? Whatever this eerie feeling was, they hated it with his entire Hood soul. 

They continued to hover around and wander, paying close attention to the smaller details of the ground. From the shuffling grass in the wind, to the leaves falling and drifting gracefully from the treetops. His ears listening to all of the new sounds. Everything felt so much louder, so much mysterious, just within a few squeals from behind the trees.

Perhaps it was a lost cau-


Right there.

The silhouette of a strange figure, peering from the shadows of the tall dark oaks. Looking straight at them. 

He ran at it, yelling and forming fists in they once open palms as a sign of instinct, when he realized, 

It's just a stupid raccoon. 

An awfully big one too, the size of Kwite's own torso. 

They sighed, somewhat disappointed it didn't lead him on a proper, fanfiction-worthy adventure, which would surely end with the green Hood being happy with the love of his life, perhaps living in a cottage in this very forest.

But it was just a raccoon.

Their shades curved sadly as he slid his hands in their pockets, relaxing his tense muscles and instead relaxing their fingers to rest properly. He turned, and instead with being greeted by the path he'd been following moments ago, he was met with a massive figure, and then, they passed out.


Strange hoodie thing. Why is it floating?

Do sweatshirts usually hover ominously? 

What was it doing in this place anyway? Didn't it have a home somewhere else? 

Are there more floating articles of clothing around?

Springtrap squinted, watching the green hoodie man with sunglasses from afar. His large mechanical fingers gripped the bark of the massive tree from pure anxiety, or pure curiosity. Perhaps a mixture of both. 

He watched as it continued to... float around, looking into bushes or behind trees. 

Curse me and my massive feet.

I have to do something about this thing- if it finds me I could be killed. Or worse. Who knew what it was capable of? 


Okay, maybe hitting it with your massive fucking robot arms was a horrible idea. Now it's on the ground, probably bleeding, (if it even has blood,) and it's all your fault. Fuck.

Springtrap knelt down and grabbed the strange entity by it's shoulders, propping it up against the base of a tree and looking at it, up and down, every last little detail of this hovering fabric man-thing. 

It had the face of a human, but it was covered up by a mask and sunglasses. Assuming it was bald, a massive hood covered the top of it's head and most of it's already covered face. It also probably had a minor concussion. 

There goes that potential interaction.

The robo-rabbit stood up, sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose, (or snout,) in slight annoyance. 

Think. Before. You. Act.

He gave the floating clothing-man-thing a worried glance before turning and retreating deeper into the woods. Hopefully it would forget what Spring looked like, and he could run far away enough to never have to do this again. 

Beneath the Stars (Kwite x Springtrap)Where stories live. Discover now