Chapter 2: Finding April

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Mavis woke up, without a clue what time it was. She looked around and saw various strange creatures all over Mount Woodskill and Camp Bloodmoon. These alien beings were devouring carcasses of most of the people who were there that night. The smell was awful, the fresh metallic scent of blood and the putrid odors of urine, fecal matter and vomit and it filled the air, as well as the smell of burning wood. She looked to see that the bonfire never got put out and half of the trees had caught fire. She quietly got up and looked around trying to stay unnoticed by the beasts that feasted around her. She didn't see any of her friends. She quickly went back into the cabin and saw a guy dressed in an all white jumpsuit with black hair and pale skin. He was feasting on hotdogs and burgers and whatever else he could grab with his large clawed hands. She took a wrong step and it made the floorboards creak. The guy turned his head, revealing his large ears, a mouth full of fangs and eyes that were completely red. Mavis backed up slowly, nervous of what might happen next.
"Oh, hi! Sorry. I didn't know that anyone was still alive around here. The Groobs, Bowds, Yogs and Yeks killed a lot of your kind and I apologize for that deep inconvenience . I'm here in peace," the somewhat handsome alien said, grabbing another hotdog. His voice was smooth and gentle like a fairytale prince. Mavis shyly said, "Oh. Well, my name is Mavis. Do you have a name?" "My name is Ev1-X68. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mavis," Ev1-X68 said with the friendliest grin his multi-fanged mouth could manage. "Well, how about we just call you Evan, as a nickname?" Mavis asked, curiously. Ev1-X68 grinned even wider, "I like that. It does suit me for life on the planet I've been studying for a little over a decade now!" "Alright, Evan it is, then! Now that the introductions are finished, I have a more pressing matter to get to. I don't know where any of my friends are. There's six of them," Mavis said confidently. Evan frowned, "Well, if they didn't run away and hide, they've become a meal." "Well, even if they didn't make it, I still need to find out… I'm scared, but I'm not giving up on my friends!" Mavis exclaimed, determined. "Well, Mavis. If you're that determined to find your friends. You might need me to escort you. Those creatures are several hostile species of animals from my home planet. They won't kill you with me by your side," Evan said, with a serious tone before scarfing down the hotdog he was still holding. "So I noticed that you only went for the real meat burgers and hotdogs. Is there something wrong with the vegetarian options?" Mavis inquired. "Nothing wrong with them for omnivores. I'm however strictly a carnivore. I can eat vegetables, but I'm unable to properly digest them. I'd get sick and spend hours regurgitating the vegetables. Besides, I'm quite fond of your planet's non-speaking animals. Not counting the modern feathered dinosaurs who have capabilities of human mimicry," Evan said, picking his teeth with his claws. "So, you're the only visitor here who doesn't eat humans?" Mavis asked cautiously. "Well, I'm the only person from my planet who made a safe arrival. Many of the corpses out there were my people. They didn't land safely and became scavenged food for the Yeks," Evan said sadly. Mavis actually took a step towards Evan and placed a hand on his shoulder. "That's horrible. You lost friends, family and everyone you knew," Mavis said, sharing Evan's sadness. Evan smiled sadly and said, "That's why I wanna help you find your friends. Did your family come here to this mountain with you?" "As far as I know, my family is still at home. I don't know how long I was unconscious for," Mavis replied honestly. "Well, it took us all under a minute to arrive. It was supposed to be just me and my people, but our wildlife managed to come through the portal with us, which is why everyone but me had crashed and died. Somehow I lucked out and survived. I don't feel all that lucky. But I'd say that you were probably unconscious for a solid five earth minutes," Evan said. "Oh. Well, I feel lucky talking to someone who's alive here," Mavis said smiling. "We should probably go ahead and look for your friends while we still have the time," Evan suggested as he took Mavis's hand and began leading her to the door. When they made it outside of Moondale Cabin, the creatures were starting to leave the remains of their meals. One of the Yogs turned around and roared. This Yog was at least eighteen feet tall. It came charging for Mavis when suddenly Evan stepped in front of her and raised a single hand in the air towards the Yog and slammed his hand downward, telekinetically sending the Yog's entire body underground. The other Yogs noticed this and scampered off. Two Yeks started charging for Mavis and Evan. Evan growled and turned his head three-sixty and lifted his chin, decapitating both Yeks at once. The Groobs and Bowds backed away in submission to Evan. "Wow! You are really powerful! Was that telekinesis you were using?" Mavis asked excitedly. Evan chuckled, "Yes ma'am! I have telekinesis and many more capabilities!" "You're amazing!" Mavis exclaimed, reflexively hugging Evan. He hugged back, smiling as he held her close. When she pulled back, they locked eyes. What felt like minutes was just a few seconds before Mavis suddenly kissed Evan on the lips. Evan kissed back, his long tongue wrapping around hers, like a woodpecker's tongue wraps around its skull. He stroked her tongue with his, making her moan into the kiss. When he pulled back, releasing her tongue, she gasped for air and then she shouted, "Wow! Can I take you home with me?!" "Maybe later, if none of these monsters have gotten there first," Evan said, smugly grinning. They continued walking for awhile talking and holding hands. They heard a thud coming from the destroyed Bloodcrest Stage. They turned and ran back towards it. "I can see the heat signature of an alive girl about your height. Would you like me to get her out of there?" Evan asked. "Yes please!" Mavis said, hopeful that it's at least one of her friends. Evan grinned and raised his hand with his palm facing upward. Rising up from the massive hole in the stage was a tan girl with long blonde hair, in nothing but her red brasserie, red panties and her black tennis shoes. She had blood splatters all over her, but didn't appear injured. When Evan turned her around and gently lowered her to the ground, it was revealed to be none other than April Hawkeye herself.
She looked around and locked eyes with Mavis and shouted, "Mavis! You're alive!" Then she charged over to Mavis, tackle-hugging her. Mavis giggled with glee, "I'm so glad you're alive! You're not hurt are you?" "I might have a couple scrapes and bruises from falling into the stage, but most of this blood isn't even mine! I came out right as the light showed up and suddenly all these monsters were here! Robots Ate My Homework died right in front of me when I had gotten on stage by one of those hook clawed creatures and I fell through the hole it made when it landed and I guess I didn't get noticed by it, because I'm still here!" April said. "What happened to your clothes?" Mavis asked, looking down as she pulled back from the hug. "I don't know, I guess they must've got caught on some of the wood when I fell through the hole," April said. "Looks like your scrunchie stayed in place," Mavis said, grinning. April looked over to the left of Mavis and started backing away when she saw Evan. "What the hell is that?!" She asked panicking and pointed at him. "My name is Ev1-X68, but Mavis nicknamed me Evan. I'm what the hell just lifted you from your temporary prison below the stage," Evan said calmly. "You can talk?" April asked, shocked. "Of course I can talk! I came from the light you were talking about along with my people who tragically did not survive the landing. I'm here for peaceful reasons. Those creatures came with me and my people from our shared planet. The hook clawed beast you were referring to is a Yek," Evan said calmly. "Okay, just know that I don't entirely trust you, or Mavis's judgement," April said. "It's the big ears, red eyes, fangs, claws and my white suit isn't it? Or is it my telekinesis?" Evan asked, with a two syllable laugh at the end. "I'm checking C, for all of the above," April said. Mavis chuckled, "Well, you can trust that if Gaston's van is still here, I might have my gym clothes you can borrow. Though you should trust my judgement. I picked you as my best friend, didn't I?" "Fair enough, but I'm still a little iffy on that handsome alien friend of yours," April chuckled. "If it helps any, I can get that blood off of you before it fully coagulates,"Evan said, smugly. "I guess not being sticky would be nice. I should probably still take a shower afterwards," April shrugged. "I would, you're kinda smelly," Evan chuckled. Then he twirled his finger and April's entire frame spun a three-sixty clockwise and counter clockwise. The blood flew off of her body and Evan held his other hand up in a high five position below his neckline level, which stopped the blood from splattering onto him or Mavis. When it was over April stumbled and then looked down at herself. She had no blood on her body and her face didn't feel sticky. She checked her hair and it didn't feel like it was going to stick together. Evan turned to Mavis and wiggled his fingers at her, removing the blood that did get on her from April's hug. "Does that feel better, ladies?" Evan asked, smiling proudly. "Actually, yes. Thanks, Evan!" April exclaimed. Evan grinned wider as he lowered his hands and nodded. "So, now what?" April asked, curiosity getting the better of her. "Now we find Gaston's van," Mavis said sincerely.
With that, the three of them walked for awhile, making small talk as they walked past and stumbled over the carcasses. Evan made claw marks on a few of the trees as he brushed past them. A juvenile Bowd scurried after a squirrel and tackled it. The young Bowd must've been at least a foot long, from its nose to the end of its tail.  The three of them very quietly walked past, briefly looking to see the Bowd engulfing the squirrel's head in its mouth. They could hear the squirrel's muffled screaming, up until the sickening crunch of decapitation was heard. The Bowd made a high pitched gurgling noise as it ate the squirrel. The three of them looked back at one another, sharing a disturbed expression as they continued sneaking past. Then they found their way to the lot of cars. It wasn't long before they found Gaston's van. It was still unlocked, so Mavis opened the big side door and walked into the van and opened her backpack. "Jackpot!" Mavis exclaimed as she pulled out her red gym shirt and black gym shorts. She stepped out of the van and handed the outfit to April. Then the three of them carefully walked back towards Moondale Cabin and as soon as they got there, April opened up the door and walked in, Mavis and Evan following her in. Evan walked to the mess hall, while Mavis followed April to the showers. April sat on the bench in the shower stall while April stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain shut. She tossed her bra, panties and shoes out of the shower and turned on the water. She used the travel size bottles of body wash and shampoo and conditioner. While the two of them were in there, they began to have a conversation. "So, where do you think the rest of our group is?" Mavis asked, as she crossed her legs. "Well if they're even still alive, Gaston and Isaac are probably looking for us, Nicolas is probably wasted off his ass with Selena and Naomi, trying to stay hidden from the monsters," April said, as she began rinsing the shampoo from her hair. "Let's hope you're right. I can't imagine a world without those guys," Mavis said, concerned. "Yeah, I'm with you on that. This friend group is all I really have," April said, applying the conditioner to her hair. "Do you trust Evan a little more, now that he cleaned you of blood?" Mavis asked, hopeful. April chuckled, "Yeah, a little. He really is kinda cute, despite the fangs, claws, red eyes and massive ears. Do you like him?" "What do you mean? I do like him, he did protect me from three of those scary ass monsters out there," Mavis replied, smiling. "No, I mean, do you like-like him?" April asked, rinsing the conditioner out. "We might've made out a little before we found you," Mavis said, blushing. April poked her head out of the side of the shower curtain and excitedly shouted, "Mavis! You dog!" "Woof, woof!" Mavis exclaimed, holding her hands up like paws. "So, is he a good kisser?" April asked, returning to lathering herself up with the body wash. "Well, he has this insanely long and narrow tongue, and he may have used it like a hand to stroke my tongue like a penis," Mavis said, blushing an even deeper shade of red. "Sounds like that tongue could be useful around your other lips, if you're picking up what I'm putting down," April said, smirking as she rinsed off the body wash. "Oh yeah, I already thought about it when we were kissing," Mavis said, grinning. April put a hand over her breasts and leaned out of the shower to grab her bra and panties. She slipped back behind the curtain and got her undergarments on, then stepped out of the shower. "So then, you must really like him?" April asked, grabbing the gym shirt and putting it on. "Yeah, I feel safe with him. He's been really sweet and protective," Mavis said, blushing again as she smiled. April put on the gym shorts and then her black tennis shoes as she said, "Well, then maybe I should trust him a little more. Especially since he's gained your trust." With that, the two of them walked out of the shower stall and joined Evan in the mess hall.

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