Chapter 2 - Moving on in the World

Start from the beginning

"Oh, my~ things are getting interesting!" Elsa said before kicking the ground. A piece of the ground lifted upwards and protected Elsa from the devastating strike. The collision sent dust flying everywhere. Elsa camouflaged herself in the dust and started jumping around, trying to find the best place to strike.

"She is hiding in the dust! Stay on guard!" Crusch warned Subaru. Crusch could have blown the dust away, but she didn't have a plan after that. It would be best to respond to Elsa's attacks for now.

The way she spoke reminded him of a true leader. One that is ready to stand their ground and fight. People like that are rare nowadays. Keeping only their interests in mind and avoiding everything else like the plague. That was what society has become.

"Wait, I can still see her aura!" Her silhouette was grey, indicating that she was preparing to attack. There was one thing Subaru noticed about the aura this time. "Wait, her right arm is darkening much faster compared to her other body parts. So, does that mean she is about to attack with her right hand? So, if her legs are darkening, that means she is about to attack!" Subaru thought it would be best to inform Crusch. He waited for her legs to be the type of black he remembered from Wilhelm and then shouted to Crusch.

"Crusch-san! She is going to attack to the left, now!" Subaru said.

Just as he said, Elsa launched herself from the left. The dust dispersed with her speed. Crusch just barely blocked the attack, even with Subaru's help. She charged wind into her blade and pushed Elsa back. She slashed into the air multiple times and accompanying wind blades headed towards Elsa.

"Red, let's help out! Fireball!" A fireball accompanied Crusch's wind blades. Elsa tried to dodge all the upcoming attacks, but one of the wind blades grazed her, causing her to bleed.

"She is getting weaker!" Subaru proclaimed. His fireball hit a building behind Elsa, causing a fire to start around behind her.

"Not much of a Bowel Hunter, huh?" Crusch taunted her opponent. Even after a life or death encounter, she held her confidence in obtaining victory.

"We'll see, Karsten." She appeared behind Crusch, almost as if she teleported. Crusch narrowly blocked and kept her ground. Crusch and Elsa traded blows with each other. Crusch's wind magic was infused into her blade, so every time her sword met Elsa's knife, there was a small wind explosion.

As the battle was raging on, Felix finished up healing Wilhelm. "Old Man Will, you work yourself too hard. Relax, for now, we will handle her." Felix said to reassure Wilhelm.

"I pledged to defeat her, it would be unjust not to do so." Wilhelm tried to convince Felix to let him fight. He clenched his fist, and his muscles tensed up. He knew Felix's nature of wanting people to rest, but it still burdened him.

"No can do. You aren't in perfect condition yet. Stay here and rest. I need to check up on the giant over there." Felix pointed to Rom.

Felix left Wilhelm to rest his leg and walked up to Rom. Felix noticed Emilia trying her best to heal him, and smiled.

"You've been healing him nyow, haven't you? It's not the best I've seen, but you've kept him alive, so I thank you on behalf of all healers. I'll handle it from here." Felix lifted his hands and started his healing on the cut-up giant.

"Oh! Thank you for the praise. I don't deserve it." Emilia stopped her healing and got up. "They're in trouble, aren't they?" Emilia asked Felix about the raging battle between Crusch, Subaru, and Elsa.

"Crusch-sama is the greatest! If she says she'll win, she will. So, you don't have to worry. Any help will be appreciated, though."

Saying nothing else, Emilia ran over to the battle. She wasn't too confident in her abilities without Puck, but she was ready for action.

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