chapter 17: a thief capturing mission

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Naruto was now in alert of a town with kakashi

They were assigned with a B ranks mission trying to capture a thief or stop the thief

"Hey kakashi sensei why does capturing one thief literally an b rank mission" naruto ask to kakashi while they were looking for clues

"Well naruto this thief seems to be skilled and im guessing that the thief is no ordinary thief a ninja somehow?"

Naruto was just cunfused but just agreed to himself finding the thief

Naruto saw a man and thought he could ask him

Kakashi already was in another area of the village searching for the thief or clues

This mission was from a small village who has good resources of course the thief always steals alot of it

This mission if completed they might be able to have a good alliance in this village for resources

Naruto though that thats the reason its a rank

So far he didn't get any information about the thief

Of course all he got was the thief usually doesn't attack the target and of course he only steals at night

Tho the attack was obvious sense its night alot of poeple are a sleep at night

Naruto was still looking for more information

Than naruto just stopped in his tracks with a dumbfounded face

"Why didn't i just look for clues in the last place the thief stole some items.."

Naruto than just took a deep breath and than deasaperd a shunshin

Kakashi was in a supply house where he talked to the owner that hw Will look for some clues here

Naruto arrived aswell in shunshin beside kakashi

"So you here naruto" kakashi said

"Yep" naruto than just made 3 shadow clones and made them look around he made 3 more to let then go outside and get information

"So kakashi sensei any new?" Naruto asked

"Not so far but the idea the thief is a ninja is high" kakashi said while signaling naruto about the a pile of leafs

"So a shunshin?"

Kakashi nodded

Well the thief stole here 2 days ago at night

The owner was smart enough not to touch anything or clean the supply house immediately

If the owner did than it will be more harder to find the thief and capture it before the deadline of days

The deadline was 4 or atleast after four days the payment will be reduced by 4000 ryo which the is supposed to be 40000 ryo payment is

Tho naruto though the price and requirements are a little to specific

Naruto actually had been questioning this from the start with kakashi

Of course it rather be just that

Naruto and kakashi asked around together this time about the thief

And again there was no important evidence learned lf course all they were confirmed of was the fact that that thief is living in or near the town

Naruto than though searching near the town maybe about 2 Miles or so out the town to search or Maybe 3?

Naruto than did that asking kakashi to search inside the town

Kakashi nodded and they reminded to naruto to be careful for an ambush

Naruto just nodded and shunshin away

Kakashi knew that the thief would be trouble but hopefully not to much or a trouble that could kill naruto

Thiefs usually have a thing to steal thats why they are called thiefs but it doesn't mean they won't kill including that this theif like he and Naruto said could be a rouge ninja

And probably a skilled one? Well maybe a skilled beacuse it seems hes good at stealing

Sure that hes stealing from civilians but to be unseen or undintified for a long time. Certainly the thief is no ordinary thief

Naruto walking around and trying to find any clue in the forest there was nothing of course

But there some sound in the trees and bushes but naruto though it was just some squerel and some animals

After a couple more hours later and he just gave up he left some flying raijin marks while searching and well he than met up with kakashi in the town

"So found anything?" Kakashi said

"No kakashi sensei it was just nothing"

"Well lets rest in the hotel and continue tomorrow

Naruto and kakashi rest for the night

The night was quiet and really well dark

No one besides the dark dark alleys

There was only one person there a silhouette standing there there looking at the endless darkness of the night

The next day came and so on naruto and kakashi could not even find any information for 4 days

Soon the payment was now reduced by 4000 ryo now it was 36000 ryo left(I think) for payment it wasn't because of some of there money getting stolen but beacuse of the 4 day deadline as said in the mission scroll


Naruto was groaning

Kakashi was looking at naruto

Well it was bust" kakashi said to naruto

"Kakashi Sensei why did we just abandoned the mission you know we still had a good payment even with the 4 day deadline is even if its  evrey 4 days"

"Well beacuse its hopeless and Naruto you should know that that this mission is not that important to be done to the very end and you know that, and besides the progress we got in the 4 days were well almost close to nothing so by the time were done the payment would not be worth it"

Naruto just nodded and they traveled back to the village making the report 

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