chapter 14:a broken mirror

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The hidden leaf village also called konohagakeru, konoha for short

There was a jonin with gray spiky long hair similar to the forth hokage's
He wears a gray long sleeve and a jonin vest he has black Shinobi pants and sandals

Hes eyes tho it was light gray it was interesting to other people how did he got them?

Camos kanaki

He was laying in a tree in training ground 5 he was bored and just wanted interesting to happen of course hes not in good condition he was working a little overtime after the invasion of the sand and sound village

He was tho depressed because the 3rd died.."why him? Anyone but him? Hell in could even be himself aslong he was still alive...well its a little over the top i guess"

Camos stood up he owed his life to the 3rd he was an orphan after the 3rd great ninja war and he was takin in the village by the 3rd and...4th hokage

Now the 2 people died.. before he could pay them what he owed

camos just grunted and now

"Hey" a man said

Camos check who was it

And it was jiraya

"Oh master jiraya hello" camos said

"Well im sorry for that i was their with sensei and i didn't protect him"

Camos just said"well not like i could do better...i mean the 1st and 2nd hokage were resurrected with edo tensei..."

"We both know that your stronger than us legendary sanin in a 1 on 1 fight "

"Its not about who was stronger its about who was the enemy" camos said

As in again jiraya was now one of the poeple who loss in a argument with camos in seconds

Camos was known to mess with poeples mind and brains and even his genjutsu was dangerous enough for the target to not notice the genjutsu casted

Jiraya knew that he was dangerous in genjutsu and taijutsu he was really brutal at those categories and as in really dangerous in those categories

" are you gonna look for her?"

Jiraya nodded and just said "you were supposed to attend but you didn't so i had to cover for you"

Camos just stood up and said "... Im not interested in those things things so your gonna go get her?

Jiraya nodded"yes you asked that just a minute ago"

Camos just ignored him and he just shunshin away

Jiraya really never understand that boy but he than just shunshin away aswell..

Well thats it this chapter is focused on camos as in the OC anyway don't worry after im done with this il Start writing the next chapter

Of course there will be chapters focused one Camos kanaki

Thanks for reading this far guys!!!

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