chapter 2: team 7

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Flash back:

Mmh so you want to learn them alone naruto? The 3rd said with a amused smile

Naruto: yeah grandpa i want to learn them alone and prove to myself that im there son

The 3rd hokage: i wont stop you just be careful ok those are really hard and dangerous jutsus

Naruto:, hehe don't underestimate me granpa

The 3rd hokage: hehe don't worry i won't and il be waiting for you to be strong so one day i might give the seat of the hokage to you...

Flash back end:


Naruto was now sitting next to Sasuke calm as usual while just ignoring the girls fighting over the other seat next to Sasuke

Naruto wanted to use the rasengan on the girls but he just smiles but

When sasuke watched he saw that Naruto smile was holding a shout before he was about to say something to him

FOR THE SAKE OF PEACE AND SILENT SHUT UP AND JUST TAKE YOUR SITS DAMMIT!!! Naruto was at his limit he was shaking holding himself back to beat them to a pulp

He was grab by the shoulder
By sakura yeah so what are going to do about it lo-.

Naruto grab the Sakura's arm and thrown to the wall almost making the wall crack

Naruto turn around his head looking towards the other girls with the eyes and looks saying, who's next?

In the hokages office

The jonins were watching all of it

*Now his really Minato and kushinas son* kakashi thought

Now all the other jonins didn't want to have Naruto in there team...

Which they watch Naruto just beating the pulp out of every girl besides hinata

Asuma: wow just wow i never thought that kid would snap and even go far to do that

Kurenai: heh it will he has the patients and strength

Guy: that strength and power he was the Great spring Time of youth bla bla bla

Kakashi: guys you already havs a team why are you still here

Guy: to see the youths becoming genin!!!

Kakashi:... Well looks like i know who my team is....

All them look in cunfusion while hiruzen knew what it meant

It was now the graduation exam naruto breeze through it after that though he was just second to Sasuke being the rookie of the year

Naruto: well i guess that makes Sense i was often absent because of my other training

Naruto's jutsus:

Flying raijin


Water style: water fang shot

Water style: penguin bullet

Wind style: wind air bullet

Earth style: mudd wall

He had to ask the 3rd hokage for some scrolls and help him check hes affinity to hes and hiruzen surprised

The paper cut to tree pieces the other soaked and the other crumble he had three affinity that fast

But it was good aswell naruto started the training exercises of the wind earth and water affinity

It took him 7 months to learn all of the jutsu he borrowed from hiruzen and master them

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