Part: 8 Coruscant

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The shiny silver ship came into view as we were only a couple feet from it.

" Qui Gon, Sir, wait! I'm tired!"
Anakin said. I could understand that. We ran the whole way here and his bag did seem heavy. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt a presence. The same presence I felt in my nightmare last night.

I turned to look behind us and my eyes widened. A cloaked figure was racing towards us on a speeder. I wasn't the only one who felt the dark presence as Qui Gon whipped around to face us.

" Ava! Anakin! Drop!" Qui Gon shouted. I quickly tackled Anakin's to the sand as the speeder zoomed above us.

Anakin and me jumped to our feet and ran to the ship as the cloak figure attacked Qui Gon. " Go! Tell them to take off! He shouted.

Anakin and I ran as fast as we could up the ramp and into the cockpit. "Take off Now!" I yelled running back to the ramp to see we're Gui Gon had went.

Just then he had jumped up onto the ramp as it was closing. " Qui Gon!" I shouted as I hugged him tight. He hugged me back befor falling on to the floor out of breath.

Anakin and Obi wan came running in a instant and grouched down next to him. " Are you alright?" Anakin asked next to Obi wan.

" I think so" Qui Gon huffed " What was it?" Obi wan asked leaning closer. " I'm not sure, but it was a well-trained in Jedi arts. My guess is it was after the queen." Qui Gon said still catching his breath.

" What are we going to do about it?" Anakin asked looking from Obi wan to Qui Gon.
Qui Gon sighed as a bead of sweat raced down his temple.

" We shall be patient. Anakin skywalker, meet Obi wan Kenobi." He said gesturing to Obi wan. They shook hands. " Your a Jedi too? Pleased to meet you." Anakin grinned his words only made Obi wan smile.


It had been a couple hours  since we left Tatooine.

And I decided it would be best if I changed back into one of my actual dresses instead of the scruffy looking clothing had worn for the two days we were there for.

It was starting to get itchy from how much sand was in it. Once I was done I went down to the room I was in before we landed on Tatooine to see a transmission the governor had sent.

I walked over to the communications table and flicked on the transmission. There the governor's face appeared. " The death toll is catastrophic! We must bow to their wishes, you must contact me!" The governor's face flickered before it disappeared.

I sighed as I flicked the recording off. Poor Padme she must be so stressed. I looked down and blinked a couple times. Trying to register the horrible news.

Jar Jar's loud snoring pulled me out of my thoughts as I looked over. There I saw Anakin curled up on the seat, playing with his shirt before his eyes flicked to me.

He had an expression I couldn't read. " Are you alright?" I asked concern was written all over my face. He had let go of his shirt before responding.
" It's very cold." He said glancing back down.

I grabbed a blanket and unfolded it as I walked past the muttering Gungan to Anakin. I placed the blanket on him and made sure he was comfortable.

" You come from a warm planet, Ani" I said placing the blanket up around his shoulders. " A little too warm for my taste." I grinned " Space is cold." I said sitting next to him.

" You seem sad." He said taking some of the blanket onto my shoulders. I looked down then back up to him.

" The Queen is worried. Her people are suffering, dying" I said scanning his face for any emotion.
" She must convince the senate to intervene, or...." I trailed off " I'm not sure what will happen."

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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