Part: 6 Let the race begin

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It was dark out now and Shmi was giving us rooms to stay in, I had to share one with Padme.
While we were changing into night gowns we had bought in the markets earlier today padme broke the silence. "

Those colors look nice on you" padme said as she brushed out my hair. " thank you, Padme" I said looking down.

Padme sighed as she put my hair in a low ponytail. " I'm sorry for snapping at you early today, I was just stressed out." I turned around to face her. " It's ok, your worried we'll be stuck here, that's understandable." I said looking up to meet her eyes. She smiled and brought me in for a hug.

" Your smart and wise, you know" she said pulling back for the hug " You'll make a good Queen for Noxella." My smile only grew.

It had been a couple minutes since then and we were not talking about what we'll do to get Naboo back. When I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye walk past our door.

I turned my head to the door then back at padme. She was already looking at me. " Go on" she smiled pushing me out of the room.

I walked down the hall to the balcony were I saw Anakin sitting on the edge. I walked over to him and climbed up to sit next to him. He looked over at me then back up at the twinkling sky.

" There's so many, do they all have a system of planets?" Anakin asked I looked up at the night sky and smiled.

God it was beautiful.

" Most of them" I said looking at him again not once did he stop looking at me. Not even to look up at the beautiful sky. " Has anyone been to them all?" He questioned I laughed as I looked back up.

" Not likely" I mean who could there was so many? " I wanna be the first one to see 'em all." Anakin grinned. Our attention was brought back to the door with his Mother's voice. " Ani, bedtime" she called out while walking into a different room.

I looked back at him to see he was already looking at me. " you could be the one to see them with me, you know."  my eyes widened

He wants me to be the one to see them? With him? I was exited nevertheless.

" I would love too." I grinned his face had gone red as he looked down. " Ani, I'm not going to tell you again." His mother warned as she walked down the hall.

I chuckled as I hoped off the edge " Sweet dreams, Ani" I said walking back inside.

I could here him mumble " sweet dreams for you too." I grinned as I walked back into my room and shut the door. I crawled into bed and wrapped myself in blankets before falling asleep.

I had woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Something wasn't right. Especially with that nightmare.

Morning had came as I crawled out of bed and changed back into the outfit I was wearing. I saw in the corner of my eye to see Padme doing her into a low bun.

"Padme?" I asked hoping to catch her attention.
" Hmmm?" She turned towards me finishing up with her hair.

"Can you do my hair, please?" She grinned and walked over to me. We talked the whole time she Dutch braided my hair. I knew how to do my hair I just thought it would go by faster with her help.

Eventually she finished with two long braids that went down to my waist. " Perfect, now time to go" she said walking out the room.


We had mad it to a giant garage, filled with several pod's I was walking past Qui Gon and Watto when I heard a little bit of their conversation. Qui Gon was going to free Anakin if he wins the race.

My heart skipped a beat at the information. We were going to free Anakin! But what about his mother? I'm sure she'll come too.

I made it to Anakin's side along with Padme. When Watto buzzed past us he was speaking in Huttese and eventually left I could tell what he said was rude as he flew away.

Qui Gon taking his spot. " What'd he mean by that?" Anakin asked I glanced up at Qui Gon and grinned " I'll tell you later"  Qui Gon said turning towards the pod we all followed him and found Ani's burnet friend there.

" this is so wizard, Ani! I'm sure you could do it this time" the boy said looking the pod up and down.

" Do what?" I questioned looking over at Ani for answers. Before he could respond his friend said it first.

" Finish the race, Of course." The burnet kid said looking at me as if I was dumb. " You've never won a race? Or finished it?" Padme questioned

"We'll... not exactly. But kitsters right I will finish this time" Anakin said throwing an arm over his friends shoulder.

" Of course you will" Qui Gon said coming up behind Anakin and placing his hands on his shoulders.
Padme had her mouth hanging open as she looked from Anakin to Qui Gon.

We eventually made it to a circular stand. My ears rang from the crowd cheering one people  as they introduced the contestants. Everyone's attention was brought to a large balcony. There Jaba the hut was speaking in Huttese.

I believe he said something like " Begin the races!"
As all the pods fired up.
Qui Gon had just made it back from talking with Anakin. "Is he nervous?" Shmi asked holding her hands over her heart. " He's fine" Qui Gon said dismissing any concern.
He walked past Padme.

Which was a big mistake.

" You Jedi are far to reckless!" Padme snapped "The Queen-" she was cut off by  Qui Gon. " The Queen trusts my judgment, young handmaiden you should too." He said walking away from her to get a better look of Anakin.

" You assume to much" Padme muttered. As we followed him to the other side of the stand. It began to lift high up into the air as Jaba hit a giant drum. Signaling for the race to start.

The pods roared past us as they raced to be first.
I looked over to see Anakin's pod wasn't moving.
Oh no. " Come on, Ani!" Jar Jar cheered and with that Anakin's pod zoomed past us.

"Go, Ani, Go!" Jar Jar cheered even more. Shmi pulled out a little screen for us to watch the rest of the race on. There she found Anakin and begun to watch.

I peeked over her arm to get a better look, she seemed to have noticed as she adjusted it for me to see better.

( Hey! Hope you enjoyed I don't want it to seem like Padme's been bitchy but it's what she says in the movies🤷‍♀️ bye!)

The beginning of us.  (the phantom menace)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora