Part: 3 Tatooine

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" Of course" I smiled I was going to say more when the entire ship shook violently. Suddenly a blue alarm went off blaring loudly in my ears. The astromechs quickly scurried out of their spots and out a door. A blue and white striped astromech zoomed past us, running over  Jar Jar's foot.

He gasped and jumped back "How Wude!" The astromech that I believe is a R2 D2 whistled somthing response.

Something I am not repeating.

The ship began to shake even more making me stumble a little. " Jar Jar I think it's best if we go sit down" I said grabbing onto his hand and leading him to the table.

After a few minutes I decided to go see Padme to ask what happened. I knew the ship was being shot at, but I feel as though something was wrong with the ship not just it being shot at for those few moments. But something more.

I walked into a room to see Padme scrubbing the same sassy droid that ran into Jar Jar while we were being fired at.

Padme must not of heard me enter the room because when I sat down next to her she nearly jumped out of her skin. " My goodness!, you scared me" she said in a bit of a high pitch voice.

" My apologies, Padme" I said placing a hand on her shoulder " Is he the only one left?" I asked looking the droid up and down. Before Padme could answer the droid let out a series of beeps and whistles.

" My goodness! Aren't you just a handy little thing!" I smiled " Very brave too!" I praised. Padme only laughed befor handing me a cloth "Here mind helping me?" I took the cloth out of her hand and began scrubbing the black color that was smudged one his white paint job.

"Hello" I glanced up to see Jar Jar peering over the wall. Padme flinched next to me at his voice.
Jar Jar seemed to notice this too. " Sorry....Husa are yousa?" He questioned looking around the room.

" I'm Padme" she said softly looking up from the droid I now know as R2 " Your Gungan aren't you?" She asked looking down at me then back to him. " Uh-Huh." He said shaking his head yes.

"How'd you end up here with us?" Padme asked out of curiosity. Jar Jar looked down, scratching his neck. " My no Know." He began to tell his story of how he grabbed a Jedi then followed them and now he's here. I tuned him out for the most part, I was too busy cleaning off R2.

Eventually we made it to a sandy planet. "I don't think I've ever been here before" I said jumping off the stacked crates I was standing on.
" Me either.... Would you like to come with me and see it?" I eyes lit up at the idea I was always up for and adventure after all look were we are now.

We spent the next few minutes changing into something that wouldn't draw attention to us.
And soon left the ship with Typho.
" Wait!" Topho called out making Qui Gon, Jar Jar and R2 turn towards us.

" Her Highness commands you to take her handmaiden with you, along with the princess" Typho informed. Making Qui Gon to look at me and Padme.

" No more commands from her highnesses today, Captain" Qui Gon said turning away from us.
" The Queen wishes it, she's curious about the planet" Typho said stepping toward Qui Gon.

Qui Gon sighed " This is not a good idea, stay close to me." He said turning away from us. Me and Padme shared glances of victory.

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