Part: 2 invasion

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I walked through the giant halls of the palace
For what felt like forever until I stumbled across Padme. She was watching the army march throughout Naboo. I could tell she was stressed.

I quietly walked to her side " What are we going to do?" She stiffened at my question.
" I don't know" not once did she look away from the window.

I side eyed her seeing if she was going to have a mental breakdown, when I realized she wasn't going to I decided to speak up.

"Well I do" I spinned around grabbing her hand, "we must go now." I dragged her to her room and opened her door revealing all of her hand maidens I had asked to come here.

"We will create a diverged, since soon they will be trying to come and capture you" I said looking up at her. I held out my hand, to her maidens gesturing for one of them to take it and when one did I knew she would be perfect for it.

We quickly changed the handmaiden into a black dress that had a hood to cover the hair, and patted on the traditional makeup. Perfect.

I wrapped my self up in the orange/yellow fabric
And so did Padme. We were ready.


I almost slipped down the stairs thanks to this dress and it's itchy. Even worse. I was hidden in the middle of all of the maidens, Padme was next to me holding my hand. We were surrounded by battle droids, all part of the plan.

" the Queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here, I have assurances
It will be ratified by the senate."

" I will not cooperate" the clone for padme said firmly.

The green alien turned to her " Now, Now, Your Highness. In time the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view."

Padme squeezed my hand and I tried to look up at her but I could barely see anything with how big the hood was but I knew she was both mad and scared.

We came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, And almost ran into the Corde. I really need to fix this hood.

" commander." The slimy man grabbed the attention of a battle droid.

" Yes, sir" the droid halted in his place, waiting for him to continue.
He side eyed Corde ,waiting for a reaction.
" Process them."

The Commander nodded and turned to another droid. " Captain, take them to camp 4." As he pointed down outside. "Roger, Roger"

The droid led us down another staircase, and outside. I could see groups of people walking in lines, surrounded by countless droids. There were scared.

I pulled my hands behind my back. Hopefully this works. I wave my hand towards the droids behind us. " what the?" I could hear one of them say before going completely silent. I looked over my shoulder. And I must say I was pleased to see all that was left of them were ashes, flouting around the air.
I smiled, not bad for barley any practice.

Padme noticeed me looking back and smiled too.
She was finally trusting my plan. We were walking through a corridor and one by one I was picking them off.

I almost jumped up and down at the familiar presence. Qui Gon was here and so was obi wan. I knew Qui Gon from my father, they were good friends. I only knew Obi Wan because he was always with Qui Gon, being his padawan and everything.

We eventually made it to an empty street with another corridor above it. I glanced up to see Obi Wan and Qui Gon's heads looking down at us from the corridor they signaled for me to take out the ones beside me as distraction.

The beginning of us.  (the phantom menace)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang