Completed with the last table, she tossed the rag onto her right shoulder for the time being and stepped over to Lee. Anita was in the kitchen, so she didn't say anything, but she grabbed Lee's right hand and gave it a light squeeze. She smiled up to him, and he looked down to her. Noise in the kitchen didn't stop, and his fingers wrapped around hers. (F/n) leaned up and pressed her lips to his right cheek before she pulled away from him.

Lee watched her walk off to the kitchen so that she could wash the rag out and hang it to dry over the sink. She didn't stay in the kitchen long, especially since Anita was too focused on the food at that point to keep (f/n) in there any longer than she had to be. (F/n) smiled to him again before she walked up the stairs and headed into her room. The door closed behind her, and he wished that he could help her prep for the unveiling more, but he needed to remain where he was presently. He returned to his usual position and told himself that it wouldn't be too much longer.

Meanwhile, (f/n) worked on getting things ready for the announcement. She made sure that she had everything Lee and she had found in the folder and went over the presentation again. Bringing her laptop down was going to be odd regardless, but she knew how to lower their suspicion.

Eventually, she had it all figured out. (F/n) stretched her arms, and her shoulders popped satisfactorily. She changed out of her work clothes, and she even got a shower before dinner. The warm water relaxed her muscles and gave her a new sense of confidence that everything would go successfully. When she finished, she changed into the baby blue dress and slipped on her silver flip-flops. In her ear lobes, she wore her silver hoops too. With her hair, she left it down and let it air dry since there remained enough time before five.

For the meantime, her laptop was on sleep, and she had it plugged in. (F/n) left her room and saw that Anita was in her own room. The door was open, and she peeked inside. "Anita?" she asked, looking in more.

"Yeah?" she questioned back, glancing over to (f/n). A smile touched Anita's lips, and she nodded in approval. "That dress really does suit you. Still think that you could've gone with something better, but it'll do just fine too." (F/n) rolled her eyes and leaned against the doorframe as Anita focused her attention back on the floor length mirror by the windows that opened up to the balcony.

Putting her pink star posts in her ears, Anita smiled and spun to face (f/n). She had on the black and light pink dress and matching black heels. "What do you think?" Anita spun in a circle and giggled. "He'll like it, right?"

"He'd be crazy not to," (f/n) complimented, but she truthfully could care less. Besides, Anita would be breaking up with him soon once she heard the news. And, that recording she had would make sure that Anita wouldn't be able to make up any excuses about him changing his ways.

"Great!" Anita walked over to (f/n). "We have some time left before they come, so let's set up the table." She winked. "Maybe, have a drink without them." (F/n) chuckled and nodded in agreement. A grin fell onto Anita's lips, and she wrapped her arms around (f/n)'s right one and led her downstairs.

Seeing both women come down the steps, Lee concentrated entirely on (f/n) in less than a second. The dress surprisingly was pretty decent considering that Anita had picked it out for her, and it did complement her well. As always, (f/n) looked beautiful, and he wished that he was having dinner with her rather than watching the others eat with her. Then again, they might not be eating at all depending on when (f/n) planned to break the news to them.

Though, (f/n) just couldn't kick Anita out of the café, so it might be awkward for a bit, but he knew that (f/n) had no plans to stay in town for long. After everything with the café got settled, she'd be gone, and he'd be going with her. So, he might have to remain still for several days, but it'd be worth it in the end. Perhaps, however, Anita would want to stay at the hotel after Kaleb and Tristan left. Or, (f/n) might go there if things got too awkward, and she'd take him with her. Of course, that would be after those two men left as well. If things went really in their favor, Anita just would pack up her bags and head to her parents.

Whatever the outcome, it'd work out in their favor; he was certain of it. That recording was too perfect of evidence. A smirk was on his lips, but neither of them could see it. It'd be hard not to react to what would be going on that evening, but he had kept his living state a secret during much more difficult times, so he was confident that he'd be able to keep himself in his typical position.

Both women headed into the dining room closest to the kitchen before they went for the kitchen itself. They weren't in there long since they grabbed what they needed to set the table up for four, including glasses for Kaleb and Tristan. The center area was kept clear so that food and drink could be placed there. (F/n) headed back in shortly after, and she brought out two glasses; one was a wine glass and the other a whiskey one. Each soon had their drink of choice, and both took their seats at the table.

"To a great dinner!" Anita announced, holding her glass up. (F/n) clinked hers with Anita's.

"To a great dinner!" (F/n) exclaimed next. Both took a drink, and Anita giggled. "I bet that you're wishing time was moving faster, right?" she asked, quirking a brow. Anita nodded quickly.

"I am! I'm just so happy for Tristan and you!"

"You make it sound like he just proposed or something," (f/n) joked, but she inwardly gagged at such a thing occurring.

"It could happen," Anita replied with a wink. But, (f/n) doubted that because she wouldn't let it become reality.

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