I straighten up and take a half step toward Bucky who does the same to me. "Your friend keeps looking at me," he comments.

Chuckling, I murmur, "I'm aware." I toss in a few more logs and Logan takes a small step back, away from the sparks that go up.

Elizabeth places a hand on Logan's head briefly before turning and looking at Bucky. "I wasn't able to introduce myself a few days ago. I'm Elizabeth," she says, smiling radiantly at him.

I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing as Bucky looks at me, seeming to ask for help, and when I don't give any he turns back to Elizabeth. "I'm James," he responds, holding out a hand which Lizzy shakes, a small smile still on her face.

"Logan, can you add a few more logs to the fire?" I ask, breaking the small tense silence.

"Yeah!" Logan responds enthusiastically, quickly grabbing a few logs and chucking them in with the burning ones.

I glance at the driveway again as I hear more cars coming up. "I need alcohol of some sort," I groan.

"There's a big cooler with a bunch of beer over there," Bucky comments, nodding over to said cooler.

Logan helps me toss a few more big logs into the fire before I make a quick beeline toward the cooler. "Could you open this for me?" I ask, holding a bottle out to Bucky.

He remains completely silent as he takes it from me and easily pops the cap off. I suppress a laugh at Elizabeth's eyes going wide and flicking over Bucky's arms and chest.

I give her a pointed look which produces an eye roll from her before she turns to Logan and says something quietly to him. He nods before slowly waking over to the cars parking themselves.

Placing down my, now empty beer bottle, I add a few more logs to the now very big fire.

"Nice work on the fire," Dan comments, coming over with a few people.

Yeah, with no help from you.

"Astrid, is it really you?"

I look at the person who spoke and frown slightly, racking my brain for who this familiar person is. "Lily?" I ask, my eyes going wide. I've never expected to see her as a mom.

She smiles, glancing down at the small baby bundle she's holding. "This is Felix, he's just turned three months old," she tells me, smiling as the bundle moves.

I take a quick deep breath to stop from rolling my eyes and force a small smile. "I'm so happy for you," I tell her, trying to make it not seem forced.

"Aiden! Come back here!" I look over as Aiden, being led by Logan, runs toward me. Already knowing what to expect I return their hugs, smiling a bit.

"I'm so sorry Astrid," Emily says.

Gosh, she looks so different! "It's fine," I respond, patting both Aiden and Logan's heads.

"Aiden hasn't shut up about seeing you since the river incident," Emily says, chuckling.

She acts like it wasn't three days ago. I force a small smile before looking down at Logan and Aiden. "Do you two want to help me get sticks for smores?" I ask them, already knowing the answer. As they hurry toward the edge of the woods I follow after them, grabbing Bucky’s wrist in the process.

"You gotta hurry. It's gonna be dark soon," I tell them, glancing up at the sunset-streaked sky.

"How's this one?" Logan asks enthusiastically, holding up a thin stick.

The Grey Raven // Bucky X Oc (Discontinued For Now)Where stories live. Discover now