⠂Chapter 2⠐|Astrid|

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I don’t know if he actually likes being here. He has to wear gloves all the time and has to be really careful with everything he does. Should I tell him he can go if he wants to? He would tell me if he wanted to leave though… wouldn’t he? 

To distract myself from the dark spiral of thoughts in my head I get up from the couch, having been staring blankly into the empty fireplace, and walk over to the windows, looking out at the dark landscape. Absently, my thumb traces over the smooth scar on my collar bone. Realizing what I’m doing I stop quickly, refusing to go back into those memories right now. My eyes are drawn to the clock across the room from me and with a reluctant sigh, I walk upstairs, stepping over the creaky one. I change and lie in bed, the familiar silence of the house lulling me to sleep.

Of course, I can’t escape the memories completely and get thrown into a recurring dream-memory of mine.

“Star! Admiral wants to see us.” I turned quickly to find Ryan Westly walking towards me, his posture impatient. “He doesn’t want to be kept waiting,” he snapped, brushing past me.

“Jerk,” I muttered, turning to follow after him. As I was following him down the windowed hallway Andrew Taylor, Marcus Ward, and Antonio Ramos all caught up to us. “Does he want to see our entire squadron?” I murmured, my mood having turned sour.

“Halfsies and Poser are the only ones not here,” Ward commented, coming to walk next to me.

“Yet, Dare. Don’t forget to add ‘yet’ to that sentence,” Taylor said, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes, catching up with Westly who gave me a confused glance from the corner of his eyes. “Did Admiral Dawson say why he wanted all of us?” I asked, staring ahead of us at the double doors at the end of the hall.

“Something about a mission,” he responded, his voice low.

“A mission?” I said, surprised, turning to him slightly.

“Apparently,” he replied with a shrug. By then we had reached the double doors and he pulled one open and motioned his hand inside. “Ladies first,” he murmured, his eyes gleaming.

I gave him a look before walking into the room and froze for a moment, stunned at the occupants of the room before quickly standing at attention. The boys behind me had been laughing loudly amongst themselves but quickly shut themselves up after entering. It took them a few moments longer than me to arrange themselves and also stand at attention, all of us staring at the far wall.

“Sit,” the Admiral said, motioning towards the chairs in front of us. Robotically I stepped forward and sat down, continuing to face the far wall. If I don’t look then I may have imagined that he’s here.

“Where are Spencer and Mendoza?”

So they are supposed to be here.

“Here sir. Apologies for being… late…” Mendoza’s voice trailed off as he entered the room.

Admiral Dawson stared at the two for a few seconds. “Sit down,” he muttered, obviously annoyed at the pair. “This is Colonel Trophs. He works high up in government security.” There was a small pause as Admiral Dawson looked at each of us. “We’ve been in contact with him and his boss and they’ve found a storage house of chemical and biological weapons, which are illegal and very deadly if you didn’t already know.”

“What do we need to do?” Westly said. Internally I glared at him, annoyed that he had to be the leader of our squadron. Not that he wasn’t a bad pilot, he definitely is, his attitude is the big problem. He’s aware that he’s one of the best pilots, we all are, that’s why we’re in a squadron together. His problem is that his entire personality revolves around the fact that he’s one of the best pilots.

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