⠂Chapter 22⠐|Astrid|

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Tuesday. 8:43 am.

I have to pause halfway through changing because of a fit of coughs followed closely by a sneeze. I let out a groan and duck into the bathroom to blow my nose. Dumb cold.

I finish changing into jeans and a loose, light-grey cable knit turtleneck sweater and silently walk out to the kitchen, glancing in the fridge. I frown in slight disgust, having no appetite at all, and, instead, I start on some water for tea.

Once my tea is done I sit in front of the TV and stare at it for a few seconds before deciding to turn it on and switch to the news, which I haven’t done in ages.

I catch it right as the reporter gives a little snippet for the next story. “Last night, in our nation’s capital, the government agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D uncovered some interesting information. We’ll be back in a minute, with this story and others, right after this short break.”

It switches to a commercial break which I zone completely out during, trying to figure out what S.H.I.E.L.D found that could make it to national news.

“The news?”

I jump slightly and turn my head. “Apparently S.H.I.E.L.D found info of some sort that’s now on national news.”

“Strange,” Bucky murmurs, slowly lowering himself onto the couch.

“Grandpa,” I mutter under my breath, taking a sip of my tea.

“What was that?”

“Nothing,” I mumble into my teacup, hiding a smile.

The commercial break ends and the news reporter re-appears on screen. “S.H.I.E.L.D, a government-run agency, found some interesting information last night. While we won’t have the full report for you, here’s Hannah, with the story.”

The camera view switches to a young blonde woman standing outside of the United States Capitol building in D.C. “Late last night information about a large group of conspiracists was found, aiding a private investigation that had been going on for years now.” 

There’s a small pause and I slowly lean forward, not taking my eyes from the screen. “Not much is known about this conspiracist group, merely that they were formed soon after the turmoil in the S.H.I.E.L.D agency about two years ago.”

I glance at Bucky to find him watching the screen intently, his hands balled into tight fists. “We know very little of their intentions, only that they aren’t good. Also, it’s been said that they are in many of the fifty states. For now, that’s all we know about this mysterious group.”

The cameras shift back to the news station. “Thank you, Hannah. We’ll keep you updated as we get more information.”

I check the time and stand quickly, hurrying into the kitchen. “Why is there always something I can’t find,” I mutter, searching for my wallet. I stop short, finding Bucky holding it toward me. “Thanks,” I say swiftly, taking it.

“I’ll arrive a few minutes after you,” Bucky says, glancing around.

I roll my eyes while facing away from him. “Yeah, yeah. We went over this,” I respond, waving a hand. I inhale hard through my nose, trying to unclog it, but to little avail. I grab a few tissues and blow my nose, succeeding in clearing it a little more.

“I still don’t think you should go out while you have a cold.”

“Stop fussing. I’m fine.”

Bucky gives me a skeptical look but doesn’t push the subject further. “You better leave if you wanna get there on time.”

I scramble to lace up my boots and grab a coat and hat. “Don’t interrupt unless it is really necessary,” I say, giving him a serious look.

He nods, his face blank. “I won’t.”

“Okay. Good.” I hurry down to the street and pause for a moment to pull my hat on. I get an Uber and it only takes a few minutes until it pulls up along the side of the road. I carefully step over a patch of ice on the snow-covered sidewalk and get into the car.

The drive passes silently, which I appreciate since I hate having to make small talk with people.

I step out of the car in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and slowly scan the people idling around outside.

I lock eyes with a man standing in front of the entrance and I easily identify him as Steve Rogers.

I walk over to him and he pushes off the column he had been leaning against. “You got my note,” he says.

“Are we going in or are we just meeting here?” I ask him.

“We’re going in,” he responds, seeming a bit surprised by the question.

I throw my hands up momentarily. “I had to ask,” I mutter in my defense.

We enter the museum and I trail slightly after Rogers, letting him lead the way. After a few long minutes of wandering, we end up in a small room full of marble statues.

I wasn’t paying attention to the sign as we were walking into the room so I have no idea what the exhibit is about.

“Okay, enough wandering around. Talk,” I say shortly, turning to face him.

He glances around but we’re the only ones in this exhibit. “I know you were lying.”

I’m very careful to make sure none of my emotions show on my face as I respond calmly, “I wasn’t.”

He lets out an annoyed breath and takes a small step toward me. Resisting all the alarms going off in my head and the strong urge to lean away from him I stay put, holding his gaze.

“I couldn’t tell you outright I knew you were lying because I was undercover and my team was listening to our conversation.”

“So you decided to meet with me somewhere without your team to get what information from me exactly? I wasn’t lying. I don’t know where Barnes is,” I say simply.

“I’m trying to help him. That’s why I’m looking for him.”

“Is that what your team is trying to do as well? Or do they have other things in mind?” I bite back. I quickly rein myself back in, trying to press my temper down.

“Please,” he whispers, sounding desperate again. “I just need to talk to him.”

“Then why are you coming to me?” I mutter, leaning toward him now.

“Because you’re the last person we know who had contact with him,” he murmurs back, his warm breath lightly hitting my face.

“Steve.” Both our heads turn and my eyes narrow as I find Bucky standing a few feet away from us.

Steve takes a step toward him. “Bucky,” he murmurs, his face slack with shock.

“It’s been a while,” Bucky murmurs, watching his friend closely.

I turn away, trying to stifle a fit of coughs, flinching as my throat scrapes against itself. “Are you okay?” Steve asks, turning to me.

I wave him off as the coughs subside. “I’m fine. It’s just a cold,” I respond.

“What do you want to talk about?” Bucky asks, grabbing Steve’s attention again.

“Did you watch the news this morning?” Steve asks him. Bucky nods. “Is it the same group?” Bucky nods again.

There’s a long pause of silence. “Is that all?” Bucky asks, giving his friend a searching look.

“Uhm… no,” Steve responds slowly, glancing at me.

“You can ask her to leave. I doubt she will,” Bucky murmurs, a small smile pulling up one side of his mouth.

I sniff. “I’m not leaving,” I say simply, crossing my arms and looking between the two super soldiers.

“S.H.I.E.L.D is trying to locate you and keep you under guard. I had a different idea… but it involves the Avengers…”

The Grey Raven // Bucky X Oc (Discontinued For Now)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ