Chapter 28: Sachi

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Lord Ookuninushi held the sleeping child against his chest, lost in thought as he stroked her hair gently and listened to her breathing calmly.

'This isn't so bad,' he thought.

'At least it's not another baby. I could never make Ume stop crying.'

'What about when she wakes up? I don't think I have food in the shrine. What if she's hungry?'

Lord Ookuninushi continued silently panicking until he heard footsteps.

"Mizuki, please tell me you've brought food for the girl!" he whined.

"Why would the meal need food?" asked a black and orange haired yokai as it opened the door and leaned against the door frame.

"What business do you think you have here, yokai?" Lord Ookuninushi asked, settling himself back into god-mode.

"Uh-that girl there actually, so just hand her over and I'll be on my way," the yokai said, shrugging his shoulders and talking as though he didn't really care.

"This girl is under my protection. Leave now yokai, and perhaps I will spare you."

"Spare me? From what? Your ego. Ouch, I hope you don't accidentally cut me with your diamonds."

Lord Ookuninushi glared at the yokai, "Who do you think you are?"

"I think I'm Junichiro, but for all you know, I'm Sheila. Call me Jun," the yokai said.

"I will only ask you once more to leave, Junichiro, before I end your life."

"How? Aren't you missing your hammer?"

"I'll remind you, I defeated Suzuka once without the Lucky Mallet and I could no doubt defeat you the same way."

"Are you sure you can with your handicap? Actually, allow me to take care of that for you."

Lord Ookuninushi jumped out of his seat in time to prevent a small gecko from biting sleeping Sachi's arm.

"So close," Jun sighed, walking over and picking up the gecko.

"A gecko yokai," Lord Ookuninushi said, "Interesting. You're not likely to be venomous or strong, so you're probably running your mouth."

In a second, Jun was beside Lord Ookuninushi and holding a knife to his throat.

"I may not be the strongest yokai, but I haven't met a god yet that could keep up."

Lord Ookuninushi wasn't much concerned about the knife because of the gold band around his neck, but he dropped to the ground, clutching his side with one hand, trying to stop the bleeding from the stab wound. He looked up to see that Jun already had Sachi in his arms and was running the knife along her cheek softly, but threateningly.

"She's only a child," Lord Ookuninushi said, "What do you want with her?"

"She'll affect Suzuka's plans," Jun said simply, "So she must die."

Lord Ookuninushi jumped forward and tried to grab the knife, but Jun dodged easily and laughed as Ookuninushi hit the ground.

"This is the great god of wealth?" he spat, "Suzuka must have been having an off day, because there's no way someone as pitiful as you would've defeated her of your own merits."

Jun was made to be silent when a red beaded chain struck his forehead and Lord Ookuninushi took the moment to grab Sachi while also wrapping the beaded chain around Jun's neck. Sachi shifted in her sleep and Lord Ookuninushi silently pleaded that she stay asleep as he tried to knock the yokai off balance. Jun yanked the chain from Ookuninushi's hand and leapt away and Lord Ookuninushi tried to move constantly to avoid being caught by the speedy gecko yokai.

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