Chapter 29: A God's Command

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Ume sat staring at Kamehime. She didn't know what to say.

"Do you really hate Mizuki?" Kamehime asked.

"No! That wonderful, clueless idiot doesn't realize the spell isn't on me. It's on him."

Ume started to cry. She couldn't stand thinking of Mizuki in that much pain. She cried harder remembering the memories Suzuka had let her see. She wanted Mizuki there to comfort her.

"How likely is it that Mizuki could beat Suzuka?"

"I don't even know anymore. He's come so far even when he was scared, but that doesn't mean Suzuka has become any less coniving," Ume said tearfully, wiping her eyes.

"Come with me," Kamehime said. Ume stood up and followed Kamehime to an armory.

"Ryuo always leaves his maps out," Kamehime sighed, flattening out the map on the table, "What do you think of their plan? Ambushing Suzuka and attempting to trap her in one of the sea caves."

"If they're trying to steal the hammer to stop Suzuka, that won't do much good unless they can take away her power. It's possible with the hammer, but I don't think Suzuka would hold anything back at that point."

Ume realized she was crying again, "I don't want him to die. He's strong, but he becomes overwhelmed too easily. Everything he's been through has taken his confidence from him. He blames himself and I still haven't managed to convince him he's wrong."

"Go convince him now."

"He asked me to wait."

"But you're his god aren't you."

"No. He's Nanami's familiar."

Ume paused.

"You have an idea?" Kamehime asked.

"If he were my familiar, there would be no way for him to doubt himself. It would be the best way to show him my trust and faith in him."

"What about Nanami?"

"She won't be angry. I'm sure she'd understand."

A loud boom of thunder could be heard.

"Is that coming from Suzuka?" Lady Kamehime asked, covering her mouth with her hands. Ume wouldn't hesitate. More than Mizuki and herself was at stake. Suzuka wouldn't hesitate to come after the Dragon Lord's castle as revenge for helping Mizuki.

"I'm going to help him," Ume said.

"Can you fight her as you are?" Kamehime asked.

"No, I need something to fight her with."

"Take this sword," Kamehime said, handing her a sword with a beautifully decorated hilt, "And take my transport. It will be outside."

Ume ran out of the castle and saw a giant turtle with a carrier on its back. She climbed in and said, "Please, take me to the Dragon Lord."

"Right away," the turtle said, heading forward. He was faster than Ume had expected, but she still clenched the hilt of the weapon anxiously, running her thumb over the texture.

"We're approaching him," the turtle said, "But once you step outside this carrier, you won't be able to breath."

Ume looked around. She saw Ryuo had the mallet. Ryuo noticed her almost immediately.

"Where's Mizuki?" Ume asked.

"I don't know. He was behind me a second ago," Ryuo said.

"Where's Suzuka?"

"She's back on the surface."

"Behind you!" Ume cried. Ryuo grabbed the sword from her hands, tossing the mallet into the carrier, and stabbed Suzuka's stomach.

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