Chapter 21: Unlucky

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When they arrived in Izumo, Mizuki carried a half-asleep Sachi while he and Ume walked the rest of the distance to Lord Ookuninushi's shrine. 

"Excuse me," an older woman said, tugging on Ume's sleeve.

"Yes, Ma'am?" Ume asked.

"I need to find the shrine of the god of wealth," she said, "I've been having trouble paying the bills and I need a miracle."

"We can take you," Ume said. Mizuki nodded and Ume kept a hand on the elderly woman's shoulder as they led the woman to the crowd of people that were at the shrine to pray.

Mizuki and Ume arrived and tried to wiggle through a crowd of people.

"This is the farthest we can help you," Ume said, "I'm sorry if it's not close enough to the shrine."

"You've done me a great favor, my dear," the woman said, patting Ume's arm, "Thank you so very much."

The woman nodded to Mizuki and patted Sachi's shoulder. As the woman squeezed through the crowd, Sachi waved goodbye. Mizuki smiled and hugged Sachi a little tighter. It made Ume's heart leap seeing Mizuki being so affectionate with the child. It made her think of what it would be like to have children of their own. She blushed and shook away the thought.

"Mizuki, I'll try to get inside to talk to Lord Ookuninushi," Ume said, "Wait here with Sachi."

Mizuki nodded and watched as Ume wiggled up to the door of the shrine and then went inside.

"Lord Ookuninushi?" she said softly, wandering down the empty, lavishly decorated halls.

"Who's there?"

She followed the sound of his voice and entered a large room where she saw Ookuninushi sitting on a chair with ornamental cushions surrounding him.

"Ume, welcome back!" he said, offering her a hug, which she accepted. 

"Lord Ookuninushi, I wanted to ask a favor," she said.

"Anything for you," he said, smiling.

"I need to find a little girl's grandparents. Her parents were killed by a yokai and she can't remember where she lives. She know her family prays to you, so I came to see if you know where her home is?"

"What does she look like?"

"Her name is Sachiko Miura. She has short blonde hair and green eyes and she walks around with a stuffed bunny."

"Actually, I do know her," Lord Ookuninushi said, "Somewhat, anyway. Her parents prayed for good fortune when the father was applying for a new job that would fix the family's financial burdens. I don't know where she lives, unfortunately. You will have to wait until a missing persons announcement is spread in the human world."

"Thank you," Ume sighed.

"Are you concerned for her wellbeing. She could stay here," Lord Ookuninushi said hesitantly.

"No. I will take care of her," Ume said, "Mizuki and I can. She seems to like us."

"That's wonderful," Lord Ookuninushi said, "If there's anything else I can do to help, please tell me and I'll try to find a way."

A loud howling wind and red-purple smoke filled the room. Ume covered her ears and Lord Ookuninushi grabbed her and pulled her out of reach of the swirling smoke.

"Remember me, Ookuninushi?" the wind screeched.

"What is that?" Ume whimpered, grabbing onto Lord Ookuninushi.

"A fallen god," Ookuninushi said breathlessly.

"Fallen god?"

"A god that fell from grace because they used their powers violently against humankind. Usually the constant members of the Divine Assembly will vote to take away the god's title. It doesn't take away all their power, since they are still divine beings."

"That's right. You took mine away simply because I tried to take over a small village," the wind screeched.

"Oh, it's you," Lord Ookuninushi said, "Suzuka, the ex-god of luck."

"I gave you that damned mallet and I'll be taking it back now, ungrateful wretch."

"How did you even get here?"

"Darling, I never forgot the way."

From out of the smoke walked the old woman.

"I meant, how did you get in?" Lord Ookuninushi said.

"Ask your little friend."

Lord Ookuninushi looked at Ume, shock written all over his face.

"No. No! I didn't know what she was! I'm sorry!" Ume whimpered, tears trickling down her cheeks.

"A god your age should know what a fallen god is. I'll take care of Suzuka, but then I want you to answer a few questions."

Ume's head hung and she nodded, clinging onto the Lord's arm. Lord Ookuninushi smiled slightly and patted her hand gently. He was a bit stronger than Mikage when it came to discipline, but even though he had to make a point of the danger of fallen gods, he sympathized with the frightened girl.  

"Shield!" he yelled, swinging his mallet as lightning struck from the cloud. The lightning spread out and crashed into the walls.

"Dissipate!" he yelled, swinging at the smoke. The smoke spread back, now revealing beautiful woman, dressed in a somewhat revealing black dress.

"That was foolish!" she screeched, holding out her hands and sending strikes of lightning at him. 



The lightning suddenly swerved around Lord Ookuninushi's block and struck him from behind. He cried out in pain and dropped to his knees, gasping for air and trying to relax his body, which tensed from the electricity surging through it.

The woman picked up the Lucky Mallet and grinned.

"Why did you bring her if you knew the way?" Lord Ookuninushi gasped.

"Because, I need a god mark to restore my full power," she said, approaching Ume, "And this young body doesn't look half bad."

"Leave her be! She's still a child!" Lord Ookuninushi yelled.

"Children have to learn the hard way," Suzuka said, "Join!"

She swung the mallet down on Ume and then herself. There was a cloud of smoke. Lord Ookuninushi's eyes went wide. No one had done something like this before. When the smoke cleared, he saw Ume's body, except it had matured, but Suzuka's piercing eyes were looking back at him instead of Ume's beautiful, soft ones.

"Leave her be. She didn't do anything to you. Your problem is me," Lord Ookuninushi gasped.

"Which is why I will use her power to kill you," Suzuka said.

"What are you going to do?" Ookuninushi asked.

"I'm taking back my rightful place. Then I'm taking over this world," she said, "Lucky me that I found such a stupid little god."

Suzuka left Lord Ookuninushi on the ground, struggling to rise as the doors closed. 

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