6. Chapter Six.

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"The entire brain, including the regions in charge of mood, appetite, and sleep, experiences a seizure as a result of the current. We decided to evaluate whether electroconvulsive therapy genuinely works because clearly you are suffering from memory loss; if it does, we will be able to swiftly and considerably lessen the terrible symptoms of your memory loss. I told him, and gave the order to my men to carry on.

Santiago hurriedly spoke up just as my man was about to send him to the hereafter, and I quickly intervened to stop my men from having their way with him.

"Are you willing to reveal the truth?" I questioned him.

I was aware of the falsity of his statement when he once again spoke, "I don't know, it could have been thugs who stole the container, but I haven't heard anything about it."

There was clearly something much greater going on here, and whomever was responsible for keeping everyone quiet and keeping everything under wraps without anyone knowing, if that was even possible, was pretty skilled at it.

It would have been easy to find evidence or even traces if thugs had taken a container worth ten million dollars US, they would've been out seeking buyers and I would've easily gotten information of it, but this was undoubtedly something much more big. These were person's highly skilled in the task of making things disappear.

Since we had allies all around Asentrix, no one could have simply entered this territory and taken our shipment without anybody being aware of it, but I was beginning to have my doubts about this.

Men were prepared to put their lives in danger to uphold this anonymity, which was starting to worry me. It's possible that this poses a threat to my family and I.

The sooner I was able to determine where that ten million dollars was and retrieve it then the quicker I could get back home and make arrangements to cripple that threat towards the Vikings.

"The other day, when I questioned your boss David about the shipment, I realized right immediately that your boss had lied when he claimed not to have known anything about it. I believe you know the answer to my query, but you won't share it with me, which perplexes me. Santiago."

"Are you prepared to put your life in danger in the same way that the others did to keep such a secret hidden?" He was silent as I asked him a question, likely considering what I had said and whether it was worthwhile to die for.

"You don't understand the devastation of what's going on." He heaved perhaps willing to finally speak on the matter.

After being tortured for days by my men, he has been the only one I've so far been able to break; the two others who were there before him preferred to die rather than even utter a word.

"And I'm currently working to find out what that is. Why are persons prepared to sacrifice their lives for something so unimportant as a dispute that might be easily rectified, allowing everyone to return to their normal lives? Just speak what you know, Santiago; that's all there is to it. You don't have to die." I provided him suggestions.

"You see, Vikings, if I tell you, both my family and I will be dead, so it's not that simple. Here, things just underwent a shift." He sounded quite nervous as he spoke, and I couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

"I'll ensure that David won't harm your family in any way. I always mean what I say." He was trembling tremendously while I negotiated with him.

"After being pulled down, he needs to be swiftly bandaged wherever he is bleeding." To my men who are on standby, I told.

"David? Despite the fact that my boss is intelligent, he lacks the skills necessary to have stolen a container with a US ten million value. In contrast to the Vikings, my boss would never risk doing something so crazy especially as going against the Vikings." Santiago refuted the claims I made.

"I'm aware that your boss isn't that smart, and he certainly wouldn't be able to behave in such an incompetent way. Was the act committed by the Fernandez family?" He grimaced in pain and scoffed as I questioned him further.

"Even though the Fernandez family has a penchant for backstabbing, they are not particularly talented and have since learned from their last run-in with the Vikings. Additionally, I am aware that you are aware of this since, if the Fernandez family were involved, you would already be aware of it. You're merely using me as a guinea pig to see if I'll fabricate a lie." In reaction to his statement, I nodded.

"I'll be the first to acknowledge that I was trying to test you, but I can tell you're not completely insane even though you don't seem to be very smart, as seen by your unwillingness to explain what happened to our millions of dollars, so pardon me while I test your ability to think coherently." My men laughed out loud when I called Santiago out.

"I merely intended to act in my family's and my own best interests." He made a statement.

"In opposition to the Vikings?"

"I questioned whether it would be wise to take on the Vikings or someone more formidable." He made another statement sparking my further interest.

"A greater coalition force? Why fabricate things, Santiago? If you had stated something else, I might not have believed you to be less insane." I frowned at him.

"As I've stated things have changed since you and your father last visited. That shipment was a target for quite some time now. After information got around about a US ten million dollar shipment, alliances outside of Asentrix began lurking around."

"Mafias that were at least as large as the Vikings had their sights set on it. No one would ever start taking on their mafias. You could die with only saying one word." As I had anticipated.

"I'm a very patient man Santiago, unfortunately I cannot say the same for my father who is quite impatient and trigger friendly. The dangerous is rapidly approaching, and I'm sure everyone in this entire Asentrix would loathe to see my father tackle the matter at hand." Now, a little irritated, I hissed at him.

"The answer that you seek to your questions lies with the new territory freaks, the Russian's, they are the one's your searching for Vikings, and their armies are nothing like you have ever seen before, their powerful." He confessed which was quite more than what I had expected.

"Boss, the girl has decided and wants to see you now," One of my men who entered the room spoke.

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