
I hear a girl's voice. I look up to see Rose and Lyla. They were smiling at me so I gave me a small smile back.

"Hi guys."

"You should eat lunch with us."

"Yeah, you can meet some of our friends. They'll all love you."

"They so will."

We all started to get our lunch and they continued to talk until we sat at a table with more people.

"So guys this is the new girl, Victoria."

"And she's super smart. She's in our art class."


I looked at the other two. One boy and one girl.

"This is Charlie, our gay bestie. And this is Harper. She's bi, so technically they're also our gay bestie but they're my girlfriend."

Lyla introduced me to them. I nodded. Okay cool. I could deal with gay people they are funny and easier to deal with. Reminds me of Gray.

"Cool. My best friend back at home is actually gay. He came out to me right before I moved here. I swear that kid is something else."

I chuckled and shook my head at the thought of him.

"That's nice. Why'd you move here? And if you don't mind me asking, where did you live before?"

Charlie asked me.

"In New York actually. It's a great place. I moved because of my family though."

I groaned in annoyance at the thought if them. I heard some chuckles from around the table.

"Not a family gal are you?"

"Not at all. It's a complicated story so I'll save it for a different time, but basically I haven't seen my family since I was 4. I don't really like them and I don't believe they like me, but they insist otherwise."

"Damn. My family is a big mess too. We all are constantly fighting. I usually just stay at Lyla's. By the way, I really like your hoodie, where did you get it?"

Harper asked me.

"Oh this is actually one of my older cousin's hoodies I stole. He's back in New York. I lived with him and my uncle out there. I actually have no clue where he bought this from but I liked it so I took it from him."

"Haha. I wish I was close with my cousins. They live in the UK though. Which I've noticed you have a British accent."

"Yeah...um, I picked it up from someone in my past and I guess I never lost it."

It hurt to think about her. April. I got the accent form her. I can't wait to join her in the dead in day.

"Hmm. Oh I totally forgot to ask what your pronouns are. Mine are she/her. Lyla's are she/her. Harper's are she/they. And Char's is he/him."

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