23) On the Verge of Conciousness (Pt.2)

Start from the beginning

Noah carried on watching Sasha and her father walk to the car with her mother next to the door.

"I'll be back, I promise!" Sasha vowed, waving. He waved back at her, before she disappeared into the tinted windowed car.

Days slowly became weeks, weeks slowly became months, and months eventually became years. And not once, did Sasha appear at their door.

[ . . . ]

Noah startled awake, eyes shooting open to stare at a high ceiling. Flashbacks of that day repeated endlessly in his head like a broken record.

White curtains surrounded him and towered upwards, hanging on rings that were attached to a metal pole. The air felt cold, despite his warm sheets.

You lied to me Sasha, you never came back.

"You awake?"

Noah looked to his bedside and saw Ray sitting on a stool, elbows on his knees. Noah's heart leapt at the sight of him but then remembered the way Ray acted today.

"No, I'm sleeping with my eyes open," Noah said snarkily, "... And talking in my sleep."

Ray grinned, "Someone woke up with an attitude."

Noah gave a cheeky glance in return. About to say something else, Noah's eyes landed on patches of dried blood on Ray's face and arms. His school shirt too, looked like he soaked it in a bucket of red dye.

He immediately shot out of his laying position, worry etched in every corner of his face, "Ray?! What happened to you?!" Noah reached towards him and held Ray's face in his hands, darting his eyes to every piece of flesh on the bloodied boy's face. "Are you hurt? Why are you covered in blood?!"

Hands grabbed Noah's and gently pushed him back into his laying position. Ray leaned over him with a vacant expression and reassured him in a gruff voice, "It's not my blood."

"Is- Is that meant to make me feel better?!" Noah asked, astonished.

Ray blinked, "... Does it not?"

Noah scoffed, exasperated, "No! Well, yes, but then whose blood is it?"

Ray kept his lips sealed and continued to stare at Noah from above, with his hands on either side of his head. "Uh."

Noah looked around and took in his surroundings, realising he was in some sort of hospital room. He was on a white bed and had bandages on his upper left arm.


Memories from before he lost consciousness began to pierce his mind. Noah slowly looked up at Ray with wide, disbelieving eyes. "Did... Did you..."

The door to the room banged open.

"Noah!" A pause. "Oh."

Both Ray and Noah snapped their heads to the side to see Elijah, Priyanka and Dray in the doorway. Elijah quickly shut his mouth.

"Uh..." Priyanka trailed off.

Dray whistled lowly, examining the position the two were in, "Damn Noah, didn't know this was your type." Dray grinned, "Thought you'd be into the gentle, kind people."

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