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—pairings: steve harrington x female!reader

—summary: while stuck in the upside down, steve thinks that y/n likes the new addition to their group, but eddie assures she doesn't.

—warnings: SEASON 4 SPOILERS, slight angst, but fluffy stevie, mentions of death and injury.

—word count: 2.7k

—additional notes: so i asked for blurb requests and i got this, and combined with my steve addiction, it turned into my main third perspective oneshots instead. this is third perspective but focuses on steve's side.


If holding her against his chest in an attempt to keep her safe and protected during what felt like an earthquake wasn't enough of an outward confession of his love for Y/n, Steve wasn't sure what to do next. Watching her walk ahead, laughter falling from her lips as the long-haired brunette engaged with Y/n in conversation among the very unfortunate situation they all got into, Steve was utterly envious of the new addition Eddie Munson.

Robin and Nancy were ahead, getting along strangely more than Steve expected possible, Y/n and Eddie getting to know one another in front of him after the years of passing by each other in the halls.

At first, him and Eddie conversed as they walked for what felt like miles to the Wheeler's house, and Steve was able to get to know a bit more about Eddie, and not the guy who was considered the Hawkin's High freak. But his contentment, or the level he was able to achieve while in the upside down, was diminished slowly upon every giggle or whisper Y/n let out while leaning towards Eddie as they quickly became friends, or what Steve thought was more.

It was as if Robin was a saviour within that moment, a mind reader of Steve's thoughts when he watched her turn around to shout, "hey Y/n, c'mere!" she ushered her over. Y/n waved Eddie a goodbye before walking faster to catch up with Nancy and Robin.

Steve sighed, gaze turning to the sight highlighted through the aim of his flashlight, refusing to meet Eddie's gaze as he slowed down to walk beside him. He didn't greet him, able to see the crease forming between Steve's eyebrow and the tug of his lips.

They were quiet at first, Eddie aware of Steve's unspoken mood and keeping a slight verbal distance, wondering what to say. Yet Steve could feel Eddie's stare, continuously looking at him and then looking away, then back again, and Steve closes his eyes while inhaling deeply, trying not to show his jealousy and keep calm.

"You know, she thinks you and Nancy have a thing again," Eddie finally speaks, and Steve's outstretched arm drops to his side, the flashlight bumping his thigh as he turns to him, "well that's ridiculous, I've moved ages ago now so—" Steve cuts himself off, "—actually, who said that? I don't know who you're talking about." He turns his flashlight back out into the foggy woods, playing stupid.

Eddie rolls his eyes, "ugh, you do! c'mon, man!" he then uses both his hands to gesture to the group of girls in front, walking far ahead in hushed chatter, "Y/n cares about you. The second that you got pulled underwater she was taking off her jumper and jumping right in after you, no hesitance. She likes you." Steve shakes his head at Eddie's playful and teasing tone as he speaks.

"Nah, I think she likes you" Steve uses his free hand to pat on Eddie's chest before picking up his pace and walking a few steps in front. "Oh. so that's what you're frowning about?" Eddie was being far too joking for Steve's pleasure at the moment, and as much as that was a majoring factor in why, and he was right, Steve glared at him as if offended. "I think being stuck in the upside down, nearly being strangled and eaten alive by weird evil bats while walking around hiding from a deadly monster is enough of a reason to make me frown, okay?".

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