Chapter 12: Expedition

Start from the beginning

"Right," says the two boys.

*The Next Morning*

(Y/N) slowly walks into the bathroom, holding onto the walls, before dropping to the floor. He tries to keep his eyes open, before splashing water onto his face. He waits for most of the water to drip off, before wiping down his face and changing into his Drag-Knight outfit. He slowly walks out, as he meets eye and eye with Lux.

"(Y/N)! I've been looking for you!" shouts Lux. He takes a look at (Y/N)'s tired face, before changing into a worried tone. "Hey! Are you sure your fine to participate today? You look like you haven't slept in days!"

"Yeah...No worries. I'll be just fine. I've been in much worse situations...You know..." replies (Y/N), with a not so assuring smile.

Lux shakes his head and chooses not to push any further, knowing he can't win the situation. "We're exploring inside the Sixth Ruin 'Garden' and a large Abyss that wanders around it is called 'Golem'." 

"Right. That was the information given to us yesterday by Airi. The plan afterwards is suppose me, you, Lisha, and the Triad Squad will enter the Ruin."

"Right, although we won't have any backup from the Third-Years of the Chivalric Order. They're all back expect for their captain, Celestia. She's returning late because of a rebel plot discovered in the capital. The returning Third-Years will stay to protect the academy."

"So if we're overwhelmed, with no backup...We'll have to use it no matter what..."

"...Yes, but let's not think so pessimistically."

"I've heard Krulcifer isn't participating either."

"We're not completely sure, but Lisha thinks she won't. Neither will Philuffy due to Lily's orders. She's leading this expedition, so we shouldn't run into too much problem. The largest will most likely be caused by 'Golem'."

"We should be fine. If everything goes smoothly we'll be back and I'll get some sleep."

"Well then, let's go to the meeting room."

The two walk into the room, seeing multiple other students, but also Krulcifer standing in the middle of the room.

"Krulcifer?" (Y/N) questions.

"You're all here then," says the instructor. "Well then, there are several changes in today's plan that I'd like to bring up. First, Krulcifer will be participating in this expedition as well. She's participating because of her strong volition. Treat her as one of your own and work together to achieve your mission."

"I look forward to working with you all," replies Krulcifer in a respectful tone.

"...And one more person will be participating in today's expedition..." adds the instructor.

"Ah, I shall introduce myself. I wouldn't want to cause you trouble, professor," says the voice.

Everyone looks towards the door, as Balzeride enters to the shock of Lux, Lisha, and (Y/N).

"My name is Balzeride Kreutzer. With regards to the Abyss subjugation as well as the investigation of the Ruin, I thought it'd be nice to help out, so I offered my assistance," informs Balzeride.

(Y/N) looks at Balzeride with suspicion, as Lisha argues with the instructor.

"What's the meaning of this! Why is he-"

"That's...Regardless of whether or not he is one of the Four Great Noble families and is connected to the military, for an outsider to join this critical expedition on such late notice is impermissible," says the instructor.

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