Chapter 3

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AN: And here is our final chapter. This was the one that I had problems with all those months ago and ditched this for another idea for Valentine's Day. Fortunately, when I went back to this I figured "Fuck it, let's go crazy" and this is the result. Enjoy.


The search for Loona and Collin went on longer than the group feared. Even when they split up, the three imps and two cherubs couldn't find a single hair or wool of the couple. Which was a surprise since you would think that the sight of a hellhound and a sheep cherub together would be something people noticed. It wasn't exactly an everyday thing. When the sun started to go down, the five met up without any positive results from their search.

"Holy shit, just how big is Purgatory?!" Blitzo asked, sweating like a cooked pig as he drank a water bottle in one gulp. "Seriously, I must have gone halfway across the entire realm trying to find them!"

"If you think this is bad, you should see Heaven," Cletus said with a snort. "Place has infinite space, so you'd walk around forever. Thank the Lord for the pegasi teleportation system, though."

"...You have pegasi in Heaven?" Blitzo asked, eyes wide as the two angels nodded.

"Tempted to get redeemed to try one out?" Millie asked with a smirk.

"...Maybe?" Blitzo said before rubbing his chin. "Or I could sneak in and steal one."

"Anyway," Moxxie interrupted before his boss got a crazy idea that would see them executed by Exorcists a mere second into the attempt, "maybe we should think about where they would go instead of searching for them? They are on a date, after all. We should be thinking about what would be the most logical thing for them to do next."

"Well, they just had dinner. What about a movie?" Keenie suggested.

"They could also be taking a walk at a park," Millie suggested.

"Or right into boinking," Blitzo pointed out but then winced. "Actually, let's hope it's not that. I don't want to see them screwing each other."

"Hmm," Cletus rubbed his chin before snapping his fingers. "I got it! Everyone stay quiet for a second!"

The baby-looking cherub took out his phone and quickly activated facetime for Collin. He waited a minute for it to ring and go through, muttering "come on," before Collin's face appeared on the screen, looking nervous. "C-Cletus! H-Hey, this isn't a good time right now!"

"Hey, Collin!" Cletus said with a smile and a wink. "Just wanted to check in on how your date is doing."

"O-O-O-Oh! I'm...uh...doing great...Um... It's uh..." Collin looked around and smiled weakly while wincing before gasping in pleasure. "Going really well...just well...ohhh man, it's going well..."

"I swear if she's sucking his cock I'm going to..." Blitzo muttered as he rubbed his temple.

"Well, have a good time!" Cletus said with a wave.

"Yeeaaaahhh...I w-w-w-will..." Collin nervously muttered before covering his mouth and shutting the facetime off.

"And the point of that was what? To hear Collin get a BJ?" Millie asked.

"I think I'm going to cut my ears off after this," Blitzo muttered.

"Sir, you don't have ears."

"Thanks for reminding me that life hates me, Mox. You're a real pal."

"Well, there was this one time when Keenie and Collin got kidnapped by that one imp on Earth while helping that archaeologist in Egypt. The cowboy-looking imp," Cletus rubbed his chin, trying to remember his name. "What was his name?"

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