( 01. ) mysterious metal-head

Start from the beginning

Sudden strikes of lightning lit up the area where she was looking, and what she saw was...nightmarish. A swarm of what looked to be bats were charging at her in full speed. There were hundreds of them—and they were all bloodthirsty. Diana snapped to her senses and turned around, beginning to run further into the trees.

Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as she jumped over large tree roots and rocks. She gasped as something grabbed ahold of her ankle, making her trip and hit the ground with a loud thud. She looked down to notice the black vines starting to wrap around her leg, cutting off her circulation. She quickly reacted by pulling out her sword, clenching her teeth and grunting as she swung the blade down on the vine. It squealed as it retracted back to safety, setting her free from it's grasp.

Diana immediately got up, and just as she was about to start running again—she saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was another portal, planted in a tree trunk just a few feet away from her. The screeching of the bats were growing closer and closer by the second, and she knew she was running out of time. So, she acted fast—bolting towards the opening like a bat out of hell.

She braced herself as she leapt inside, the gooey layers ripping apart as she dashed through. On the other side, she hit the ground hard, rolling a couple times before her back smacked into another tree. A groan escaped her lips as she began to sit up, leaning against the tree as she tried to catch her breath. Her eyebrows knitted together as she watched the portal slowly begin to close—and eventually, there was nothing there but a tree.

Diana caught her breath and stood from the ground, glancing over at the forest around her. It looked exactly the same from the other side, minus the creepy dark setting and raging, bloodsucking bats. She was just grateful that she was back in the real world—though, she didn't know where she was. In the distance, she could hear something that sounded like faint yelling.

Making her way into a clearing, a large lake entered her view. It was a breathtaking setting with the stunning luscious trees and the orange and pink sunset. The sun was beginning to disappear, and the moon was just barely peeking from behind it's curtain. As she grew closer, she noticed where the commotion was coming from.

"Get back here, freak!" The sound of an angry voice caused her to shift her eyes upon the middle of the lake. She furrowed her eyebrows as she gazed upon two people who were quickly swimming towards a boat that floated in the water.

"Shit," Eddie breathed out as he realized that Jason and Patrick were most definitely going to catch up to him. He grabbed the wooden oar, gripping it tightly in his hands as he whipped around.

"Hey, s-stay back, man!" Eddie warned them as he swatted it through the air, "Stay back!" Diana narrowed her eyes as she watched, stopping just before the edge of the lake. Why were they chasing him? Patrick suddenly stopped swimming, turning his head as if he'd heard something. He looked...scared.

"Come on! We almost have him!" Jason yelled towards his friend. "Hey, Patrick!" Patrick's eyes were wide with fear. "Patrick!" Suddenly, he was pulled underneath the surface of the water, disappearing from their sight. Eddie's widened eyes darted around as he looked at the rippling water, wondering what the hell just happened. "Patrick..?" Jason called his name. It was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, Patrick darted straight out of the water and levitated in the air, scaring the wits out of Eddie. Diana watched the horror unfold as Patrick's bones began to break one by one with sickening snaps. His arm, his leg, his other arm—and then his jaw. Her eyes widened as she took in a sharp breath. Patrick's eyes seemed to be pushed back into his head by a strong invisible force. He was dead.

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