(2/2) Chapter 5 - We have a problem doctor, big problem

Start from the beginning

When he's drunk like this makes him wanna rant as well. That person who said he wanted to call him but didn't even call him at all.


"What is it krab?"

"P'Kuafah (hiccups) Did he call you?"

"Yesssss. Heee calledd when you'ree faintedd" JJ said before Mesa nodded his head and turn to talk to the uncle. Prince is confused because normally they couldn't understand the villagers as they all spoke in northern dialect. But why are they able to communicate when they are drunk?

"What is he doing? It's so late already, why didn't he call?" The messy brows of Nong gathered together, which makes it look really cute. Prince is a really simple person. For example, rice noodles with only bean sprout, fried potato with a little salt and normal mint flavored candy.

And it is something simple and normal that makes someone fall for it really hard.

Such as...

"You mean A'Kuafah?"

The doctor who should be collecting girls in Bangkok. Did not know that Kuafah's special abilities since he was born from his mother's womb will make all the human beings fall in love with him or not. It's not love like everyone who adores Daonuea. But it's an addictive love...Addictive love such as going crazy to death.

How many times have the girls slapped each other just to snatched him in the college and he just made a glance as he walked past.

How many times did he have a one-night stand with the girls in the pub without even bother to remember their names?

How many times has he given the no name status on people and will not be the one that is losing tears?

And never has he felt bad for someone before.

"(Thai northern dialect) He don't even call...making him wait"

"Yes, he's a jerk"

"Yes, scold him some more"

"Scold til he forget that he's a male"

"Scold til he forget that he's a player" The three of them clink the glasses together and then drink it down the throat. Before scolding the person that is not present with central dialect, northern dialect and English language which are led by Prince who mixes all three language together.

Mesa who is still drunk but his heart is still fighting. He can't afford to let Kuafah bully this kid. If he doesn't get to scold him tonight, don't call him elder Mesa moon Faculty of Engineering. His hands trying to press the password of his phone by taking a closer look, his fingers couldn't scan through as his hands are oily from the food.

Mesa presses into the line program before slide down to the name that saves it in a cool way.

Can't help it, Kuafah saved his name as 'Mesa ugly face' when in reality just 'Mesa foolish face' is so tragic. So he takes revenge on it by naming him as

'Kuafah girls hunter'

All he can say is that the cheerleader of the university, he collected everyone, they almost slapped each other to death in the middle of the football field when they were there. There's loud cheer because Kuafah went to bring flowers to the girl who he is with recently and it's the prettiest. Not bad, my friend!

aprilfoolday: A'Sa sod (You're a jerk)
aprilfoolday: you're hulugcahg (You're lucky ass)
aprilfoolday: yoheehjnhhgsuyd (You lied to Nong)

(A/n: Mesa is basically making typos)

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