<Chapter 3>

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Stone blurred past as you ran, your heart was pounding in your chest but you kept turning, left, left, right. Until you lost track. You leaned up against a wall catching your breath. Footsteps echoed behind you. You looked around, knowing you couldn't out run whatever was chasing you. You found a thick patch you could hide behind. Hoping that whatever, or rather whoever, was chasing you would just run by. Probably Minho. You thought.
The footsteps got louder, then suddenly stopped.


You held your breath and peaked through the vine. And sure enough, you were right. Minho stood in front of you, looking around frantically. His eyes were full of panic and worry. He looked so sad, and for a moment you almost came out from your hiding place, just to wrap your arms around him.

What are you thinking? You can't do that! And let him drag you back to that place?! Just stay hidden! A voice in your head told you.

You started moving more to the side, deeper into the vines, hoping that when he ran forward he wouldn't see you.

He got one step forward before you stepped on a rock and fell. He spun around quickly.

"Y/N! There you are!" Relief flooded his face, then worry. "Are you ok?!"
"I'm fine." You said harshly. You tried to get up only to fall back down. You winced. Minho laughed as he picked you up.

"What?! No! No no no! Put me down." You started squirming but his grip was firm. After you realized struggling was useless you stopped. You wrapped your arms around his neck which hopefully helped him, it made you less floppy. You could see a slight smile growing on his face.
You breathed him in, he smelt like sweat and wood. You leaned your head against his chest.

After walking for a while you soon realized that his pace quickened and he started panting. He was trying to get somewhere, probably back, but why? Why so fast?

"I can walk" you said, hoping that he will put you down and you wouldn't be slowing him down. He didn't answer, he just kept going. His movement was between a fast walk and a run, so he was basically hopping.

Suddenly, your ears were filled with a horrible, loud, grinding, crunching noise. You thought it was just you but when you looked at Minho he seemed terrified. When we turned the corner I could see a small slit in the wall, one that opened up to the Glade and it was slowly closing. You knew that you were almost back. A part of you wanted to throw yourself out of Minho's arm but the look on his face made you stay put.

The walls were closing quickly and you started panicking, Minho seemed freaked, so that didn't help. As you got a little closer you could see everyone at the walls rushing us.

Why do they seem so worried, yet they aren't coming to help?

You could only see a tiny crack in the wall, big enough to slip through but small that it could close before you got there. Minho started running, you closed your eyes. You felt him turn sideways, and you felt him pressing you as close as possible to him. You felt crushed and claustrophobic. Your legs scraped against the rough closing wall. Then everything stopped, when you opened your eyes you were back in the Glade. Everyone around us was cheering.

"Med-Jacks!" Minho called. Two boys came running to him.

"Take a look at her." He handed me to the boys. One of the boys, the one with a buzz cut, started carrying me towards a small little hut.

You looked back at Minho, a bunch of guys were around him, taking a look at him, getting him something to drink, congratulating him. But while everyone was swarming around him, he was looking at you.

*Eat a snack, have a drink and stay positive!*

Voices (Minho x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now