<Chapter 2>

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Tw: Little amount of sexualizing

You were thrown into a building. You looked around. Over ten boys were sitting in front of you. You were shoved into a hard wood chair. You looked over your shoulder to see who dragged you here. Your eyes landed on an Asian boy with dark hair. His shirtsleeves were rolled up, revealing his muscled arms. His brown eyes looked into yours. He leaned in closer to you.

"I know you're scared and just want answers but so do we. So you just need to be patient." He whispered in your ear. "I'm Minho by the way." Then he walked over to his chair.

"It's been years that some of us have been here and we know that every month has been the same. One boy is sent up the box once a month, always at the same time." A dark skinned boy started.

The box?

"Maybe she was a mistake?" a dirty blond hair boy said. Others nodded in agreement.

"Everyone outside is confused and waiting for answers. The question is: What are we going to do?"The dark skinned boy asked.

"What is there we can do? It's not like we can return her."

"I know what we could do with her."

The boy looked at you hungrily.


Everyone kept discussing ideas in front of you. Everyone had bizzare ideas like cutting your hair and making you wear oversized clothes to hide your shape and make you look like a boy.

The boy who called himself Minho didn't say a word the entire time. And for a little while you focused on him, taking him in. He caught you staring and shot you an apologetic look. You gave him a small sad smile.

For a while you put up with everyone talking about you like you weren't there, when you didn't even know who or where you were and you couldn't take it anymore. You stood up and knocked your chair over. It suddenly went silent, everyone turned and stared at you.

"I don't know who any of you are but I don't appreciate the way you are all talking about me like I'm not sitting right here. Which, by the way, I didn't have a choice." you shot a glance at Minho but he had a smile on his face and admiration in his eyes, your gaze softened.

No one said anything so you stormed off and walked through the door, grateful that no one tried to stop you. You were also glad to find no one outside the door.

You wanted to get away but had nowhere to go. Something about the stone walls caught your attention. The bright green ivy looked like it's been there for years, like it hasn't ever died, like weather didn't change here, like it hasn't snowed or anything. It almost looked fake, as if it couldn't possibly be there.

Snow...you didn't understand how you remembered snow. You remember the feel of it. Watching it fall from the sky, and running around in the snow laughing.

Did I ever share that memory with anyone? Do I have friends? Or did...
What about a family?

You decided to try and get away from your thoughts. You reached out your hand and touched the wall and felt the ivy on your fingertips.you were just about to step past the walls when a hand grabbed you and pulled you back. You spun around to see Minho.

"Haven't you dragged me enough for one day?!" You were angry.

"Woah! Calm down woman!" he put his hands up innocently. "It's for your safety. You're not allowed past those walls."

"How come? Because you want me back in that building to listen to a bunch of people talk about how to deal with me?!"

"I don't know what those shanks were thinking but that's not what I was doing. I know everything is weird right now, we all went through it. But I'm trying to help everything make sense."

"Tell me where I am." You demanded.

"We call it the Glade, and you will get a tour and everything will be explained," he said. "Now how about you tell me your name."

"...Y/N" you hesitated. For a while he didn't say anything.

"Thats...Thats, um...A really nice name..." He seemed speechless but soon snapped out of it. "Now I bet you're hungry so why don't we get you some food. And I'll help you understand." He turned around, expecting you to follow. Little did he know you wouldn't.

You turned around and ran past the walls.

< 😊 cliffhanger. Drink some water, eat a snack and stay positive.>

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