<Chapter 1>

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It was cold and dark when you woke up. You coughed, trying to breathe in the dusty air. You looked around and couldn't see anything. Suddenly you were jerked forward and fell on your hands and knees. Metal scraped against metal as you started moving up. You squished yourself against the nearest wall.

Where am I?...Who am I? You thought. Y/N....Y/N... You couldn't think of a last name. You couldn't even put an image to your name. You had no idea what you looked like, you held up your hand in front of your face but couldn't make out what it looked like in the dark. You suddenly stopped moving, your back was slammed against the wall. That's gonna leave a bruise, I thought.

You started standing up when light poured in from above, you sheided your eyes. You started hearing a bunch of whispers. When your eyes finally adjusted you looked up to see a bunch of shadows peering down at you. It seemed you were in some sort of hole.

"What the shuck?" Said a voice with a strange accent.

"Everyone out of the way!" A deep voice called. Everyone parted and a new shadow appeared.

"How is this possible?" The deep voice spoke.

"What is it?" A scratchy voice called from behind, sounding annoyed.

"It's a girl"

"A girl?"

"How old?"


"What does she look like?"

Everyone was asking questions and trying to move closer.You tried to hide in the corner but when a rope fell in front of you you grabbed on to it and was uppled up. Once you were up you looked around, dozens of boys crowded you. Boys, all boys. You took in your surrounding.there were four stone walls covered with thick ivy closing in a large area of green grass and a few small buildings. Each of the walls had a split in the middle leading to stone corridors.

You started walking toward one of the walls when someone came up behind you and grabbed your shoulders roughly and started dragging you to a nearby building.

*Story brought to you by a friend. Drink some water, eat a snack and stay positive!*

Voices (Minho x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now